** to my dumpling**

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To my dumpling,

This is dada. You know what's dada's name? Dada's name is jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. I wanted to name you jeon taehyung dumpling. But your papa won't let me, but papa & dada choose a more beautiful name for you. It's " jeon taelin" .

You didn't meet dada yet. Because you are still on your papa's tummy. But you heard your dada talking. When your papa sleep at night, your dada always stuck his ear to your papa's tummy, to hear your heartbeat, to feel your movement. Your papa keeps ruffling your dada's hair, it feels good baby. My taehyung & my taelin, close to me.

Taehyung is your papa's name baby. You know papa, more than you know dada, because he is more closer to you. Because papa is embracing you inside him. You can feel his warmth, right? I know you do, because when papa hugs, it feels so good. That i sometimes feel crying. How on earth i got to find that angel. Who can hug & take every pain away.

I cried when papa hugged me on our first meet.

Don't laugh when i tell you that story, okay?

Dada met Papa, in a graveyard. This word will be a little tough for you. Ummm...You know, where all angels sleeps peacefully. Doesn't wake up, but always bless us from there. Because they love us. They care for us.... That day dada went there to meet your gramma, who is still sleeping in there.

Dada was so sad, because dada wasn't used to live without your gramma. Without seeing your gramma, dada wouldn't even leave his home in morning. But after your gramma left, that house seemed nothing like a house anymore, it felt empty. So empty that dada would sometimes get scared, dada had no one but your gramma.

So when dada went to meet your gramma, dada was so sad, that dada started crying seeing your gramma sleeping in silence. Dada wanted to hear your gramma's words, but dada couldn't.

Dada was crying silently, hiding his face. But when dada raised his head, dada got scared suddenly. Baby, don't laugh, you promised you won't laugh.

Dada got scared, because a beautiful boy was sitting beside where your gramma was sleeping. & looking at your dada silently.

You know why dada got scared? Because dada thought, that boy was a ghost.

Your dada was silly then, ghost doesn't exist baby so don't get scared. But dada forgot that.

Dada asked that boy, who he was. But that boy didn't reply him. So dada thought, he actually was a ghost & dada almost panicked. But suddenly you know what that boy did?

" that boy hugged dada"

Dada hear his heartbeat, dada felt his breathing, so dada wasn't afraid anymore. Still dada checked if that boy has shadow, don't laugh baby! You promise. Dada pout.

Ghost doesn't have shadows... No no, what am i saying, ghost doesn't exist.

So when dada saw his shadow, dada wasn't scared anymore. But dada was shocked. That boy kept hugging dada silently.

Then you know what that boy said?

That boy said, gramma told him, gramma is alright, where she was. Gramma maybe wasn't beside me, but grammas love will always be with me. If i smile, gramma will be smiling too. If i cry, gramma will cry too.

Because i will be always grammas little boy, for whom she poured all her love & never took it back. It always will be in me, even she isn't there.

I heard all that boy's words silently. Then asked him, how does he know all those. Then he told me, his papa mamma told him that, who were sleeping in that graveyard too, from his childhood. He doesn't even remember their face. But he knows, they are beside him. & your gramma is beside me too.

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