4. N A U G E S

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Will you ever change your mind?

Don't tell me what you want incase you don't mean it

Leave me behind

Just trace my heart once

Incase I don't feel it

Incase I don't feel it

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I SOON TOLD HIM I WAS HUNGRY, a simple yet affective diversion, and as soon as I was sure the coast was clear I hightailed out of there. I feared to speak his name, I feared the power it would take over me. Just his name felt like it could send me spiraling, down the bunny hole of lust and love, as childish as one may think of me for it. Truthfully, I feared no longer truly being alone, after so long of roaming to just return home. To be with my people.

I feared that the more I gave in to whatever this tug was..this bond, the more I lose myself in him. The more I lose sight of my home, of saving my people from a tyrant. At the moment, happiness was not a luxury I was allowed. Thought it felt like a hot knife was being stabbed in my back as I ran from him. I didn't turn back.

Slowly the crystal had restored its full connection to me, that same warm electric like buzz rushing through my veins once more. I had to figure out a way to stop Bonnie from so easily tapping in to the crystals power,  only the gods know what would happen to me if she completely siphoned the crystal. The bond that we shared made sense to me now, though Bonnie seems to be able to tap in from distance, I'm assuming I must touch her to siphon her abilities.

However, I don't completely trust her. More so, the people surrounding her. Their minds misguided and foggy from inner turmoil that they blame on their environment.

The moment I had entered this town, everything felt wrong and out of place. Like a chess player finally realizing they lost control of the game, and their king was soon snatched from their grasps. Everything was out of my hands, my dreams, and even my soul.

These men I dreamed of were not a dream, and this bond I had with Bonnie felt as if it had been set for centuries, long before me. I no longer felt like a Queen, like the very air around me that once oozed confidence and power, now instead felt unsure and confused.

By the time I had reached the doors of my 'home' I had managed to silence the waves of thoughts crashing in my mind, raging like the storms back on the island. I felt stuck. Like I was in those waves, continually being wiped down by the strong currents that tugged and pulled me like a rag doll, before finally able to resurface. Only to sink once more.

I stumbled to my room, my body still weak. The crystal was slow in healing me, no doubt from its over use. Something truly bad had to have happened after I left that wretched school, I could sense it, especially if Bonnie unknowingly or knowing was able to tap in to my power. Let alone the amount she was able too.

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