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Plan To Spy

POV: 3rd Person

Tsumugi sat in class, twirling her pencil in her fingers. The lesson was so boring. Her gaze shifted two seats to the right where Nahoya was sitting. I wonder if his hair is as soft as it looks... She thought. Nahoya noticed and turned to face her and waves.

Tsumugi blushed and waved back then looked back down at her book while Nahoya laughed to himself about how cute she is.


" He waved at you in class? I think your just over reacting. " Minori asked. " Maybe but it was embarrassing to be caught like that! " Tsumugi sighed. " I'm pretty sure he noticed way before that. Maybe he was just being nice. " Minori shrugged closing her locker.

" I know that's probably it... He makes me so nervous though... " She sighed. " Well that's just how you were. I'll see you at lunch? " She asked. " Yeah, see ya " Tsumugi waved. Minori walked off and Tsumugi opened her own locker and placed her books inside

Hmm, I don't want to run to the gym, but still I shouldn't be late I don't wanna get scolded. Plus I shouldn't get into the habit of being late. That's not good for future jobs. Then again, I'm not really sure what I wanna be... Tsumugi thought.

She finished putting the correct books away before her locker was slammed closed. She turned her back to the locker and saw him. It was Takao Souichi, an upperclassmen. He was a Third year. " Hey. You're Higuchi aren't you? " He asked. " Yeah... " She said looking away.

" Huh? What's wrong? " He asked. " Well... having an upperclassman talk to me is pretty weird. Especially if we've not formally met before " She said. " Really? Well maybe we could get to know each other then " He smirked taking a few strands of her hair in his fingers.

" N... No I'm fine... Anyways I've gotta get to class now " She laughed nervously pulling her head away. " What? Oh c'mon. You can be late a few minutes I'm sure that they won't be mad " He said with a fake pout. " Not likely " Tsumugi said slipping off to the side.

Takao followed her though. " Um... Don't you have classes of your own to get to? " She asked. " Yeah but I can skip a few " He shrugged. " But that'll make your grades slip soo... You better get to class " She said. How to shake this creep? She thought.

Nahoya was walking down the hallway and saw Tsumugi, he noticed she looked really uncomfortable with the upperclassmen. It's Higuchi... Who's the other guy? He's kinda pissing me off He thought. He goes up to her. " Hey, Higuchi. Better hurry or you'll be late to gym " He said.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her away, but Takao grabbed his arm. " Hey I was talking with her " He said annoyed. A vein was visible in Nahoya's face. " Do you wanna die? " He asked. Although he was smiling, Tsugumi could feel the violent intent from his words.

" U-um Kawata-San you're right! We should hurry! " She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him away. I shouldn't get him into trouble just for me. She thought, blushing a bit from holding his hand. Around the corner was Nozomi and Inari.

" So it was a good idea to watch " Nozomi sighed. " 39% " Inari said.


" Hey hey!! I saw that little scrapple earlier " Nozomi smiled. " And you didn't help me? " Tsumugi scoffed. " I was going to, but then I saw Kawata headed your way. I figured he'd handle it. " Nozomi shrugged. " Well, today he was a bit off " Tsumugi said.

" He looked the same to me " Nozomi said. " I know but... he was different... Scary " She said. " Really? How? " Kayoko asked. " I'm not sure how to explain it... But when the guy tried to stop us from walking away there was something about him. Something that said he's dangerous " She explained.

" Wow.... So you gonna give up on your crush? " Momori asked. " What? Of course not! I... I still really like him... It just caught me off guard that's all " Tsumugi said getting quieter every word. " Love despite the obvious danger! It's meant to be! " Kayoko said. " Shut up " Tsumugi rolled her eyes.

" Hey, I always wondered.. " Nozomi said.
" Hm? " Inari asked. " Well, he's not dumb but he's not a genius either. He's pretty average. And he kicked that guys ass and even scared him into apologizing. Plus before when he scared Tsumugi or so she says. I'm just thinking that he has some type of secret " She explained.

" Yeah. I saw him one time walking with a group of guys and they were all beat up. Do you think he's in a gang? " Kayoko asked.
" Maybe. That would be super cool!! Especially for Tsumu! " Minori said. " Huh? Why me? " Tsumugi asked.

" Bad boy gangster and normal shy nerd girl. " They said simultaneously. " Bonus, the nerd girl has a temper " Kayako added. " You guys are weird. You're always so invested in my love life. Why don't you focus on your own? " Tsumugi asked. " What love life? " Nozomi snorted.

An alarm went off on Minori's phone. " Oh crap! I gotta go or I'll be late! Moms gonna kill me " She said. She gathers her things, puts them all in her bag and gets up. " See you guys tomorrow! " She waved running off.
" Hey I've got a great idea! " Nozomi said.
" What? " Kayoko asked.

" I'm not okay with us not knowing Kawata Nahoya's secret " Nozomi said. " Of course your not " Tsumugi sighed. " So I say that we spy on him and follow him after school tomorrow " Nozomi said. " My guess is that he's a gangster " Kayoko said. " I second that " Nozomi nodded.

" I think he's a super rich kid. " Inari said. They all look at Tsumugi. " What's your input? " Nozomi asked. " I think that he's just a normal kid with a normal life that we should stay out of, even if he does have a shady background I'm sure we don't want to get caught up in whatever it is " Tsumugi rolled her eyes.

" You're still coming to spy right? " Kayoko asked. " Tch, no. You guys can have fun not minding your business but leave me out of it " Tsumu sighed. " Girlwhoscomingtospywith-ussayswhat?" Nozomi asked quickly. " What— Dammit! Everytime! " Tsumugi groaned. " Yes! " They all cheered.


Takao Souichi(18)

Takao Souichi(18)

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