Chapter 5

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Valentina's POV-
"Half my cargo. Half. Explain how someone steels half a shipment without getting caught?" I say my anger rising by the second.

"I don't know capo. He good. Too good."Ford, one of the many bodyguards that work for me explains.
(Translation- boss)

"That is true but not better than me. There is always evidence left behind. Even the best of the best can't hide everything. So do we know where he is?" I ask containing my frustration.

"We do and you'll never guess where he is." Ford quirks a small smile as he speaks.

"I'm the capo. I don't do the guessing games. Spit it out before you lose a hand."

"He's at Vinny Russo's club."

"His strip club?" I say with a smirk thinking of Isabella the dancer I met a week ago.

Ford nods with a knowing smile.

"Well it seems I don't have skip out tonight. Get ahold of Jay and send him the location. Oh and tell Luca I will in fact be there tonight." I say returning the smile.

Ford nods again and grabs his phone shooting a text to Jay and then Luca.

"Now let's go cause a scene." I say while smirking.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"He's in VIP section eight capo." I hear Ford say from behind me.

"Got it. Last thing before we get started," I look pointedly at Jay, "Keep your fucking eyes open throughout the whole thing. If I find out you closed your eyes for more than blinking I will personally visit Mara. Sì?"

"Yes m-ma'am."He says while trembling thinking of all the things I would do to his little girlfriend if he disobeyed me.

"Good." Was the last thing I said before walking through the doors.

The club is quite well for a club any way. Cheering men covers up the music in the background. Only reason it's this quite is because no one is on stage yet. Shouldn't be long before someone is.

I immediately spot my target across the room. He has a glass full of something, which I'm guessing is whiskey, and girls on both sides of him along with one on his lap. It makes me cringe at the sight of the younger girls with him.

I look over and see Luca at our normal section. He spots me back and gives me a smirk and nod. I return the gesture before continuing the task at hand.

I turn right so I walk threw a hallway that I know leads to behind where he sits. The building layout is that of a maze if your not familiar with the place. Thankfully I know every twist and turn along with every detail of this building down to the last nail. I decided early That why make this easy for him. Why not have some fun with it. Jay and Ford don't bother with the hallway. Instead they head straight towards where he sits.

I'm when I reach the end of the hallway I see he has noticed Ford and Jay. He looks to be tense and I wouldn't blame him. Everyone knows that those are my men.

I walk up behind him. I look around to see a few people staring. Must be the newbies. I think to myself.

"Why what a surprise this is Mr. Agnello." I say from behind him. He tenses up even more. The ladies look back at me and there eyes widen.

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