Chapter 12

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Valentina's pov-

"What the fuck did I tell you?" I growl my hand gripping the girls jaw.

"I- I I know-" she stutters crying when She sees the shears being placed in my hand. I'm sure the age and damaged look of the shears doesn't bring any joy. Rusted to the point of barely usable.

New recruits. It's always the new recruits.

"Pathetic." I grumble in disgust at her sobbing form before launching into a rant.

"I gave you an order. A strict one at that. The little girl gets treated with the best, until she can get sent to the house. Now tell me why she shows up in tears with a handprint across her face? What did you think I wouldn't see you ragazza senza valore" The woman who I assigned to get that rat Ivors little girl to my safe house after her fathers funeral, that I allowed her to visit, went against my orders and take her vengeance for Ivor out on the child. One thing I don't except, is child abusers. While war doesn't spare children, this was no war and did not require the harm to the small girl. Just fear.
(Translation: worthless girl)

"She just was mouthy- w-wouldn't listen when I tried to get her out the funeral. She was screaming trying to get to her father. It w-was the only way I could get her to l-listen. I'm sorry! I know it's against the rules I just didn't know what to do." She begs for me to believe her pity excuse.

"She's a child. Children get pity. Not grown adults that put their hands on them." I nod my head and one of my many enforcers step forward. The woman realizes this and clamps her mouth shut trying to avoid her fate.

"Do not make this harder for yourself. You will not die, probably. As long as the infection- get the gist." I murmur the last part. She shakes her head, tears coating her face and her mouth locked shut.

"Very well. I can't say I'm surprised." I step closer and my fingers pinch her nose so she can't breath through the airway. After only a few moments her mouth parts as she gasp for breath and mouth is opened wide by my enforcer. He slips two metal contraptions into her mouth to keep her mouth ajar and her jaw wide. Also to prevent her from biting me. Because the current wrapping covering the bloodied bite through my hand from my little hellion is all the biting I will allow from now forward.

I swing the shears around my finger once to instill more fear, and twice for personal satisfaction. My fingers slip into her mouth, and she lets out loud screams and last minute pleas. I grip her tongue with a set of pliers handed to me and pull it outward. Opening up the shears I let a sinister smile out.

"Prega che Dio perdoni meglio di me." I chuckle and shut the shears over her tongue. Again and again I hack at the muscle. Loud shrills come from her throat. Blood coats my hands and fills her mouth. After moments she finally passes out and in triumph I drop the muscle onto the table that she now lacks.
(Translation: pray that god forgives better then me"

"Ugh. Disgusting." I mock the unconscious girl as I drop the shears and grab a towel exiting the room.

As I make my way through the halls a guard runs around the corner and comes to a stop when he sees me.

"Capo, there's something your gonna wanna see." He's out of breath probably from searching the vast building that is one of my many compounds.

"What is it?" I narrow my eyes at the blood under my nails.

"Um the girl.... She uh...-" my head snaps up.

"What about her? Spit it out." She continues to be a pain in my ass.

"There was a problem-" I huff and tell the boy to shut up.

"Your taking to fucking long. Let's go." At a quick pace I make my way towards where Isabella's being kept. For once I curse the maze of hallways and stairs. When I finally reach the door that keeps the little hellion inside I'm met with the two guards stationed there, and Ford.

Ford steps forward snatching the phone from one guard.

"What the fuck is it?"

"Just watch this. She's definitely got some fight in her." Ford hands the phone to me and I see a video.

It's footage from one of the cameras inside Isabella's room. I click play and watch closely. Isabella beats at the door with her bare fists. Again and again and again. Blood begins to coat her hands more and more with each hit and leaves the door painted in red. The video has no sound but I have no doubt her vocal cords are damn near useless by now. Which I won't complain about.

As the video comes to an end ford takes the phone back. And passes it back the guard he took it from. I look between both of them.

"How long was she doing that after the video ended?" I ask.

"She went on for about 45 minutes Capo." One speaks up while the other interrupts right after.

"We didn't expect it to last long ma'am. She was so quite before. Sleeping I believe, which I think is what she's doing now. It seemed as though it was some sort of panic that set in all of the sudden." He says.

"We have stopped her but you said no one's to enter. And we also would have gotten you sooner but you were busy. Eventually she calmed though and crashed again." The first one adds.

I stare between the two for a few beats. Considering and thinking.

"Call in Colleen to the house. I'm assuming she's gonna need a few bandages and I need stitches still as well." I glance at ford and he pulls his phone out walking away.

"If anything happens with her, I mean anything, you find me immediately. I don't care about what business I'm taking care of. Got it?" I say to the guards and they quickly nod in agreement so I wave them off. They look confused as I turn to unlock the door, seeming as I have no guards and neither jay nor ford are at my side but they don't disobey.

I look at the lock and grab out my keys preparing for whatever shits about to be thrown my way. Such a hellion.

Such a little brat.

Um I guess you could say it's been a while? 😄

(Not edited at all so lmk where the errors are lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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