Chapter #13

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Deano POV:
I'm glad that Stella cancer is gone. I can't wait until she shows us what she can do in the water. I smile and say let's go to the tower and after work we can tell the others about you being cancer free. Yes, thank you Deano. Anytime Stella.

Maxi POV:
Seeing my niece smile for the Frist time in a long time. Make me very happy. I see I'm down south with H-men. I walk down and said Hey H how are you? I'm good thanks you for asking. How are you? I'm happy and we will tell everyone after work. Okay.

Central to south end
There a little kid going out and not able to stay afloat.

South end to Central
Copy H is going in.

Stella POV:
I'm very happy to be cancer free and looking to be able to get in the water and work on the sand.

Hi mom and dad.

I got good news today. I'm cancer free and I have a job. I'm working at Bondi beach as a trainee lifeguard. I hope you are happy for kicking me out of the house. From your daughter Stella.

Hi Daughter

We don't care if you are cancer free and you won't keep the job because of your health. We don't want you to text or call us anymore we don't want you or see you.

From your mom and dad.

Stella POV:
I started to cry I was Hoping for my mom and dad to care for me again, but I know my cousins are here for me and my new family in blue.

Karrbox POV:
I hear Stella cry. Hey, it alright do you want to talk about it?

Stella POV:
My mom and dad don't care for me I got kicked out of the house 2 weeks ago. now I live with my cousins Maxi and Jess. I got some good news today and I text my mom here you can read it.

Karrbox POV:
I'm happy for you on no more cancer but I'm sorry about what your mom and dad Said. You still have Maxi, Jess and all of us in blue. We got back to work.

Hoppo POV:
I hear what Karrbox Said. Thank you Karrbox. Any time boss. Okay we all here because of what New Stella has for us.

Stella POV:
As today I'm cancer free. I get to go into the water tomorrow and Sand both. Thanks, you all for helping me though this and not giving up on me.

All lifeguards: POV
We all are happy for you. We are here for you and stand by your side. We care for one another.

Stella POV:
Thank you. I told my mom and dad and they said they didn't care, and I will not keep this job because of my health. I going to show them that even if I have seizure and Asthma. I not giving up. I see all of them smile. I'm here and I'm going to stay.

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