Just Because [Xiao X Reader]

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It wasn't often the reserved adeptus allowed you to dine with him, but today you were lucky. After a surprise visit and a little persistence (and perhaps some almond tofu too), Xiao accepted your company and sat with you at the Wangshu Inn, enjoying an idle afternoon meal. You had a way with words, and it pleased the owner to see him finally opening up to someone, even if it took a bit of tofu.

"So Xiao, do you think we could have more little lunches like this?" You asked, leaning your elbows on the table.

"I cannot. Letting my guard down for too long on too many occasions is not a good idea for me." He stated firmly, Still working at his palace of tofu.

"But you're relaxed right now, aren't you? Doesn't it feel nice?" You questioned.

"I am never truly at ease. I must remain vigilant in the event that I am needed." He argued.

"Well I can see that. You look tense as hell." You sighed. "You should seriously try freeing yourself up more often. The world is no longer as cruel as it used to be, Xiao. You can relax a little."

"You say that, but I fear I cannot take that chance just yet." He said, sounding a little sad.

"Spend a little more time with me maybe. You'll see it's not so bad soon." You encouraged.

"Perhaps... But not now. It's getting late so I must go. There are a few things I have yet to do today." He stated, returning to his formal manner as he stood from the table.

"Alright, I'll stop nagging you." You laughed as you stacked your plate atop his.

"Remember, call me if you ever need me. I'll be there in seconds if you ever need my help." He added on.

"I will, Xiao." You nodded.

With a little nod of his own, Xiao walked out of the Inn and disappeared with the wind. You smiled even after he left, hung up on the thought of how he still had so much care for you despite how outwardly shut off he was. His blunt nature was not intended to be harmful, and you knew he meant well. You only wished that he would seriously try to relax a bit more. Trying to think of a way to get him to do so, you sighed deeply as you brought your dishes over to Smiley out of habit, lost in thought as you wandered back upstairs to the balcony.

Then, it hit you. Moments after you placed your hands on the railing a grand idea bloomed in your mind, and you grinned mischievously. There was always a way to get what you wanted if you tried hard enough, and this plan was foolproof. You'd be kind and give him the rest of today to remain vigilant, but tomorrow was when you'd unleash our little plan.


It was early. Extremely early. The sun had barely peeked out from between the mountainous landscape around you when you called his name from your little picnic spot just outside of Liyue. As promised the Yaksha appeared within seconds of being requested, coming up behind you and your little setup. He looked down at you with a raised brow while you flashed him a guilty little smile.

"Might I ask what you are doing?" He spoke.

"Oh it's dreadful, Xiao. I have all this food for breakfast and no one to share it with! It's quite the dilemma. Could you perhaps help me?" You requested dramatically.

Xiao looked a little annoyed, but let out a sigh and sat down next to you regardless. "I suppose I can... 'assist' you."

Grinning victoriously you spread out your things conveniently packed for two and laughed. "Thanks~"

Your first request was a success, but you weren't stopping there. Just because you got him to have breakfast with you didn't mean the battle of relaxation was over. Later on in the day you called upon him again simply to accompany you for an afternoon stroll. With a little persuasion he obliged once again, walking with you for a good half an hour as you chatted away to try and rid him of his rigid expression.

After more time had passed you called upon him one more time in the late evening, sitting atop one of the mountains that overlooked the sea that hugged the city of Liyue. Appearing at your side once more, Xiao sat down next to you without question, but turned to you with a softer expression than your other encounters today.

"You know, when I said you could call upon me, I meant for dire or important things." He sighed.

"This is important." You replied nonchalantly, still gazing out at the sea. "Your relaxation and enjoyment are incredibly important to me, so I'm making sure you get that. Though you have your own war to wave within, this world does not need you to fight so frantically just yet. Focus on yourself for now, and ease the weight of your burdens. This planet can take care of itself for now."

Xiao's eyes widened at your words, genuinely shocked by your motive.

"So... You keep calling on me because..."

"That's it. Just because." You nodded, finally turning to flash him a smile.

Your eyes were so kind as he gazed back at you. A smidge of blush just barely tinting his cheeks. All the nagging and pestering was simply done to put him at ease more often. The best part? It worked. The weight of his war was easier to bear right now, and your words of encouragement only lightened that load further.

"You mortals are... strange." He mumbled, looking down a bit.

"How so?" You asked.

"You're always so... caring. On an astronomical level." He said.

"Have you ever thought that maybe the reason why is because I like you a lot?" You hinted, winking at him.

Your comment deepened his blush further, and the little giggle you let out made his heart flutter. Oh what a feeling this was, and it was unique to him. In that moment of silence, his hand slowly inched over to yours until your fingers barely touched, his eyebrows furrowing briefly until he finally laced a couple of his fingers with yours and relaxed. The gesture intrigued you, and a warm smile rested on your features.

"I suppose... It's always been like this with you then." Xiao said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Like this. He repeated, lacing the rest of his fingers with yours. "You're so insistent... But it's done me so much good. You make it hard for me not to say that I like you too."

Then, with a surprising amount of care, Xiao slid a little closer to you and leaned in, stealing a kiss from your lips. It was your turn to blush now, but the smile you wore was unbreakable. Shoulder to shoulder you shared the sweetest of kisses, backed by a gorgeous sunset. It was nice to have his hand in yours, all that tension he constantly carried falling off of him as your kiss went on.

When he parted from you, he looked so free, and finally a smile of his own played on his lips. That was the carefree nature you tried so hard to bring out in him. The success felt sweet.

"What was that for~?" You asked him playfully, your shoulder still touching his.

"Mmm, just because." He answered simply.

That made you laugh heartily, rocking a little before you settled back against his shoulder with a sigh. "Glad to see you've taken my advice."

Xiao switched up where his hands were, reaching around your body to pull you closer while his free hand played with a loose piece of fabric from your clothing.

"You should know... I like you too _______. It's hard not to when you do so much for a tired soul like me." He mumbled.

"I'm glad." Was all you said, happy that he had found a home within you for no other reason than simply because he could. 

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