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The same graveyard but different weather state.
Instead of having clear sky and sun rays to light her way, it was only rain and dark clouds preventing the moonlight from doing it's job. The heavy rain made her short hair get all wet and the same to her clothes.

She made her way to the his grave and sat at her usual spot next to the gravestone not knowing that he is sitting next to her too. She didn't care about the rain or the wet ground, as long as she's here everything well be fine. That's what she once said, but he cares, he doesn't want her to get sick and he doesn't know how to stop her.

"Hello my angel." She said smiling.

"Hello my dear." Was his answer that she never heard.

"Sorry for not bringing you your favorite flowers today, but as you see it's been raining since yesterday's night. There was also a thunderstorm so there's no flowers shop opened today. At least I came as I promised you."

He smiled while saying "I don't care about the flowers, just stay safe." She would never hear his words.

She smiled again and looked up to the raining sky while saying "Do you know the reason why we look up at the sky?"

He smiled again but bitterly this time while waiting for her answer, that he already knows it.

Her smile became wider as she said "For me, it's because of my belief that angels belong to the sky, so whenever i'm not here and whenever I miss you I look up imagining that you are looking at me from up there."

He doesn't look at her from the sky, he's sitting right next to her and looking at her while she is talking.

She stood up and said "I have to go now, it's getting late. I'll come again tomorrow, see you later."

He smiled and waved at her, but she will never see him.

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