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Finally the rain stopped and the sun started to appear in the sky again .

The sun rays made it's job to guide her in the early morning and next to his grave again she sat . You will see her always sitting next to the Same grave and you will never see his ghost sitting next to her .

Her light brown eyes were shining because of the sunlight , not because of happiness or joy . Maybe she felt empty !

She finally talked after being silent for almost 15 minutes" Hello , my angel ."

He smiled while whispering ' Hello my dear .'

Again she stayed silent for minutes until she decided to say " I wish to be like you , dead . Do you wish to be like me ?"

He panicked and at this time he hoped that she could hear him while saying " I wish that you will never be like me . I maybe sometimes wish to be like you just to comfort you as I used to do , but whatever I wish, I can't get ."

She answered her own question cause she didn't know that he answered it already " I don't think so , you won't like to live the life that i'm living .to have an alive body while having a dead soul , this won't ever be the live that you wish ."

" And you would never like to live my life , to have a dead body while having a wandering soul ." He told her what she would and will never know.

" Even if you won't ever wish to be like me , I'll still wish to be like you ." She said while looking at the nowhere while he slumped next to her .

" See you again tomorrow, my angle ." with that she left while leaving no signs for her visit except of the pack of violets on his grave that she always come to this place to visit .

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