Taken - Markicest

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Heyhey, this is something I wrote three years ago that I still find interesting ahHSJFJJD

Enjoy 😌✨


This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

It was supposed to be a fun night. Filled with drinking and laughs. Carefree.

This shouldn't be happening.

It can't.

He was supposed to be in the safety of the house. Laughing with his friends. Doing stupid things. But not this.

Anything but this.

All his life he had brushed this possibility aside. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

Not to him.

Anyone but him.

No... he couldn't wish this on even someone he loathed...

"Please--" he cried, voice muffled. "Don't do this. Please don't do this--" All his words were jumbled together. He had been gagged with the chloroform cloth that had knocked him out, wrists and ankles bound before him. Tears flowed down his face, making it nearly impossible to see.

Not like he could see anyway.

The van was dark due to the midnight sky, harshly clattering with each bump in the road. His body was already sore.


No matter how loud he screamed, only his captor would hear. The neighborhood was asleep.

This has to be a prank... Just-- just some stupid prank...

He expected the captor to turn around at any moment. To look over his shoulder and laugh. Laugh and say it was all a joke.

But it never happened. They continued. The neighborhood thinned. Now in the middle of nowhere.

"You-- you don't want me, c-c'mon-- I-I'm a nobody--" he weakly begged, cries falling on deaf ears. "Y-you can't do this, please!"

The van veered sharply, Mark sliding in the back. He cried out as his back slammed into the cold metal, breath leaving his lungs.

"Quit crying!" his captor growled, sharply turning again. Mark thudded against the other side of the van, gasping as pain radiated through his body. Something warm trickled down his brow.


"Please," he quietly whimpered, shutting his eyes so the blood wouldn't get into his eye. "Ple-hease..."

He knew he should've trusted his instincts. When Dark led him away from the party. Outside. in the darkness. Alone.

He should have run for his life.

But now it was in the hands of Dark.

"I'm begging you-- please-- I'll do anything," Mark sobbed, struggling in the bonds. He looked around the darkness, desperately trying to find something sharp.

I need to escape... Somehow... somehow...

He tried wiping away the blood with his bound hands, hyperventilating. He could not calm down.

But he had to.

Mark took a few deep breaths, choking on the air rushing to his lungs. They were only forced back out. That gag making it worse.

His vision swayed.

He inched towards the back door, hands scrabbling over the metal in hopes of finding a latch.


He glanced back. Moonlight pooled in from the open, front windows.

It's a risky move...

Ah yes, leaving on a cliffhanger since the beginning of time MWAHAHHAHA

Tysm for reading and have a wonderful day 😌

Love, Sh.A. <3

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