♡~||Chapter 07||~♡

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Me: Here's chapter 7~ I'm so so sorry for taking so long! I had huge writer's block on this. qwq There is a fight scene but it's cringy which I apologize for, please deal with it though. I'm not good at fighting scenes sadly. Enjoy~


Achmetropolis, Loonatics HQ
One Week Later
9:24 am, Morning

Penny's POV

I was up early like always training with my powers, for two hours, but when I saw it was already past 9 am I decided to stop and head for the kitchen and started cooking everyone breakfast. It's mostly Lexi or Ace who cooks, but if I'm up training in the early morning I cook breakfast...which has been for the whole week now, I don't mind though I do enjoy cooking. I was humming a song while flipping pancakes. I finished the pancakes after a bit of time went by, placing each person with two pancakes, but five for Slam since he eats more than the others. Then I place scrabbled eggs, bacon, and sausages just in case. I just finished placing all the plates onto the big round table, placing the toast on each plate, along with empty cups for each spot, and right as I was pouring the last cup with orange juice, everyone started walking into the area rubbing the sleep from their eyes, yawning but stopped mid-yawn.

I stood at the table holding the big gallon of juice in my hands, smiling shyly at them.

"Morning~ I made everyone breakfast, come sit guys before it gets too cold." I ushered them to come sit, as I placed the orange juice in the middle of the table and then sat down in my chair.

They all scrabbled to get to their seat. I tried to hold back a laugh when Ace sat down in the seat beside Lexi where Duck was sitting but Ace pushed him aside to sit at the seat. Lexi though saw it happen causing her to giggle, Ace smirks in victory. Slam of course got his seat on Lexi's other side, then Rev was quick to sit down in the chair between Duck and me which was on my left side. Tech smiles at me and I smile at him with my muzzle growing hot, why does my heart react in such a way around Tech? Pushing those thoughts aside, as he sat down in the chair on my right side.

"Wow, you outdid yourself yet again, Pen! How many times have you made us breakfast?" Ace spoke with some pancake in his mouth, Lexi wrinkled her nose smacking his arm. "Ow! What gives Lex?" He whines after he swallows his food, rubbing his arm and pouting at the glare Lexi is giving him.

"Don't talk with your mouth full mister! It's rude!" She scowls but she looks away to hide the red on her pink muzzle when Ace winks at her.

"Thanks, Ace, but to answer your question it's been the whole week I cooked everyone breakfast, and don't worry! I enjoy cooking everyone breakfast. I do enjoy it after training using my powers for two hours." I told them with a shy smile.

I started eating my breakfast. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder on my right side, where Tech was sitting. I swallowed my food and turned my head to look at Tech.

"Yes, Tech?"

He scratches behind his head sheepishly.

"After we eat breakfast do you want to help me with the new project I've been trying to get working, but it keeps failing."

My eyes lit up, and I smiled brightly "I don't mind at all."

What anyone didn't notice was Rev was watching and listening with a frown looking down with a silent sigh, and continuing to eat his food.


Tech's Lab

After we ate breakfast, Tech and I walked to his lab showing me what he made which was a new gun, but he wanted to make it with electricity to paralyze the enemy but not hurt them. And he can't seem to make it work, he tried using electricity by hand but he always turns him into a pile of ash. So here we are, looking at the small gun size that is pointy at where the electricity comes out of.

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