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Third person view

Six months later.

Motherhood had been fun for Diana so far. Though she could live without DJ waking up and crying some nights but his smiles and laughs made up for it and she wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

When she first introduced him to his Amazon sisters, most of them were hesitant at first but they grew to love the child as they would with a female one.

The ones who didn't, the older ones, well Diana made sure to not leave DJ alone with them at any point. He would either grow on them in time or they wouldn't but either way they weren't harming the princess's son, both Hippolyta and Diana made quite sure that announcement was quite clear.

Next to be introduced was her co-workers and fellow heroes. The Justice League.

Now the Justice League had more than just two reactions like the Amazons. Some were confused at first, others worried that Diana may have been rushing into something that she wasn't ready for and some just were so happy and excited about the cute baby boy.

Currently Diana was flying her invisible jet towards Themyscira to visit her mother and sisters. And because Antiope wanted to see her grand-nephew. Again.

Diana landed the jet and got DJ out of his car/jet seat that Black Canary had gotten him before opening the jet door. She was immediately welcomed by her mother and aunt  followed by a few guards.

"Diana" Hippolyta said hugging her daughter before looking down at her grandson in the seat.

"Today's humans are very strange. In my day all we had was a pouch on our backs to carry the child. Even into battle" Hippolyta said as her daughter smiled and laughed.

"Yes well, when I fight I tend to leave him with someone at a fair distance away" Diana said as the group began walking. Antiope had taken the seat and as she walked she swung the baby making him laugh.

"Yes well, you always were a cautious one my child" Hippolyta said as Diana laughed.

As they made their way through the jungle towards the city, they failed to notice the figure that was following them from the shadows.

It made no sound when it stepped, almost like a predator stalking it's next meal. It only stopped following them when the group reached a heavily guarded gate.

Suddenly, Hippolyta turned and scanned the area behind them. She hadn't heard or seen anything but she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

The creature froze and watched from the shadows. But even if the Queen of the Amazons did see her, what could she do?

Hippolyta's eyes finally seen something that indicated that something was indeed there. A pair of glowing yellow eyes. She reached over and grabbed a spear from one of the guards, who was shocked and confused but didn't dare question her leader as she crept forwards.

However just as Hippolyta was about to confront the stalker, it jumped from the bushes revealing itself to be a Black Panther. It screeched and swiped in the direction of the humans but it quickly retreated back into the brush.

Hippolyta smiled before standing upright again. It must've just been hungry and had seen them as an easy meal. Big mistake.

"Keep an eye out for that animal, if it sees us as prey then it must be eliminated" Hippolyta said returning the spear to the guard who nodded at the Queen.

Hippolyta then made her way inside the gate and smiled at the group, who were all still in shock that she had been able to sense that when they couldn't.

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