Three different meetings, two sides

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Third person view/ Watchtower

Inside the med Bay of the Watchtower was Wonder Girl. She was laying in a bed with bandages, that had light bloodstains, wrapped around her torso. Along with that, she also had a small cut on her right cheek, rope bruises around her neck and a black eye. Though the black eye was from Supergirl who was sitting beside her.

The door to the room opened and in stepped Wonder Woman and Superman.

"Hey" Diana said her voice laced with worry as she came up onto the opposite side than where Kara was.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. Cassie sat up with a small hiss of pain and leaned her back against her headrest and pillow.

"Eh, more embarrassed than hurt... Diana, I'm so so sorry that I-" she stopped when Diana raised a hand to her.

"No Cassie, I'm sorry. I more than anyone know of what the Spartans could do, have done. Even though this was just an imposter, he still had the weaponry and armor, so I should've taken him on instead of you. A mistake that will never happen again. I assure you" she said with the worry in her voice changing to rage.

Cassie smiled and put a hand on top of Diana's that was placed on the bed when she first interrupted Cassie.

The door opened again but this time Batman answered.

"Wonder Woman, Superman. Meeting in the briefing room" he said before giving a simple nod to Cassie. Which from Batman, goes a long way.

"You gonna be okay in here?" Diana asked as Superman and Batman walked out of the room.

"Yeah, but can we order take-out? I hate hospital food" Cassie joked as Kara laughed. Diana smiled as well and ruffled her hair before following the two boys who were waiting outside for her.

"Tough girl, gets beat up and thrown through a wall and all she wants is food" Diana said.

"Well that's cause you trained her" Clark said as he and Diana shared a laugh. Batman remained silently walking ahead of the other two heroes.

"Anything from the bank's security footage?" Diana then asked Batman. He still remained silent but turned his head slightly towards her.

"...It may be best if we wait to discuss that" he stated before turning his head forwards again.

The rest of the walk was silent until they got to the briefing room. Inside were J'onn aka the Martian Manhunter, Barry Allen aka the Flash, John Stewart aka one of earth's Green Lanterns, Arthur Curry aka Aquaman and Shayera Hol aka Hawkgirl.

"We seen the video. How's the kid?" Hawkgirl asked as Wonder Woman and Superman sat down.

"Wants take-out" she answered shortly as Batman stayed standing.

"Less than four hours ago, Cheetah and her new Goon robbed Washington national bank, making off with over ten million dollars" Batman said showing several images showing the Spartan and Cheetah mid-battle.

"He had the strength and speed to subdue and vanquish Wonder Girl and several dozen police officers. Out of the seven that were alive when EMS arrived on scene, three are still alive with two in ICU. One will never walking again and the others still unconscious" Batman said as a video of inside the bank after Wonder Woman left was now shown on the left of the images.

"I wanna see it" she said before Batman or anyone else could continue. Everyone was silent while looking at each other.

"Diana, I don't think you wanna do that" Batman said. She grimaced at that. He'd never use her real name when on the job.

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