Bank Robbery

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Third person view/ two years later

Two years. Two long years since she last had heard her son's last scream that to this day still gives her nightmares. Two years since she's heard his babbling laugh that always made her entire day enjoyable.

It turns out that the dark feeling in her stomach was correct... she never found DJ. She and her mother had searched everywhere for Circe, even going to Medusa to see if she had any information on the whereabouts of the Witch woman. However she had none and if Hippolyta hadn't been there to keep her daughter under control, Diana probably would've throttled the snake haired woman when she laughed at the thought of someone actually invading Themyscira.

After that dead end, Diana called for reinforcements and within the next hour she had nearly half the League assisting her in finding her son.

Batman had tracked Circe to a place in Greece where she sang but the manager said that she had left a few days ago, just before the assault on Themyscira.

After six months of searching Hippolyta told her daughter she had to return to Themyscira. Diana understood and having not a lot of options left, went to Dr Fate. Another sorcerer but unlike Circe, he was good.

He already knew why the princess had come and was more than happy to help in any way he could. However the longer he searched for Circe's magic trail, the less Diana hopes stayed with her and when he finally told the princess that there was no trail of her magic anywhere in the world other than the stray beasts that had escaped Themyscira, her hopes were hanging on by a thread.

Finally after a full year of searching Diana told the League that she needed some time to grieve. She returned to Themyscira and without saying a word to anyone went into her old bedroom and cried on her bed.

And that was how she stayed for another four months, only coming out of the room to eat and use the restroom. But other than that, no one saw the princess but those in the palace definitely heard her.

After the four months had gone by she finally came out of her room and talked to her mother about how she could move on and what she should do now. And after a long talk from her mother Diana decided to honor DJ's memory by carrying on in what she was meant to be, a hero. Plus there is a chance that Circe would appear and then, hero code or not, Diana would kill her for what she did.

Right now the heroine was flying alongside her newest sidekick, Cassie Sandmark, to a bank robbery in process in Washington, DC. Cassie had been with her mother, who was a famous Explorer and Archaeologist and while on a trip, she had touched an artifact that gifted her with powers by the gods.

So her mother got in contact with Wonder Woman to help her daughter control her powers and use them for good. Especially with her being a teenager.

"So Wonder Girl, how did you like a little Amazon training yesterday?" Wonder Woman asked as Cassie sighed and rotated her shoulder.

"It was... Intense. That Artemis has a good right hook" Cassie said slightly chuckling as did Diana.

"Yes she does. Try taking on her and three other of the best Warriors on our island" Diana said as the two landed on the roof of the bank that was already surrounded by a bunch of squad cars.

Cassie shuttered as Diana just laughed. They then went over to the nearest skylight.

"Now let's see what and who were dealing with" Diana said as they looked inside.

Cheetah sliced off the doors of several security boxes and emptied out the contents. Diamonds, gold, cash, jewelry. Whatever there was, she took it.

"Let's go!" she yelled over her shoulder into the manager's office as she walked out of the vault with a duffle bag over her shoulder.

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