The Truth Revealed

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Third person view

He couldn't explain it. He had never disobeyed an order before, from either his mistress or whoever he was given to serve.

But when this warrior called him out... it felt like something had loosened in his mind and it got him so mad and it felt so right to fight her despite orders given to him from his temporary masters.


Circe smiled to herself as she currently stood inside a large warehouse. Inside were roughly five hundred half animal half human hybrids inside cages.

Since she has trouble keeping the spartan under her control, she knew she had no chance to mind control all of these beings. So she'll just have to do what she did last time; dangle their freedom in front of them and hope they fight. The ones who don't... well she had a warrior under her control for a reason.

She chuckled darkly to herself before she suddenly held her head. It just felt like a huge weight had been taken off of her mind.

"Oh no" she said looking up with a look of horror. She then rushed out of the warehouse as fast as she could. What did Luthor do now?

Back in Metropolis

The Spartan finally stopped walking forwards when he was less than a hundred feet from Wonder Woman. The Amazon then began walking to the left, circling the Spartan as he did the same.


"Harley!!" Joker suddenly yelled as she flinched and put her phone away after stopping the music.

"Sorry, Puddin' it just felt right" she said with a shrug.

Suddenly both warriors erupted towards each other with screams of rage. Spartan ran while Wonder Woman jumped, the road beneath her feet cracking as she did.

The Spartan raised his sword to block her strike, however he didn't account for how mad she was and when the swords met, he found himself knocked back and almost dropping his weapon.

However he quickly spun on his heel and swung his sword at Wonder Woman who blocked it with her shield. She then roundhouse kicked him in the gut, sending him away. He slammed back first into the crushed car he had punched Supergirl on top of.

Growling, he loosened his shield straps before he turned and threw it at Wonder Woman. She ducked as the object flew over her head before standing back up straight.

It bounced off of a building and lamppost before heading straight for the heroine's head. However just as it was about to make contact with her head, she turned and used her shield to hit it up into the air before kicking it away when it came back down.

"I guess the Circe never told you that I am the only Amazon to not be fooled by that trick" she said seeing him grip his sword tightly. Now he was without his shield while she had hers as well as her sword.

However Wonder Woman then loosened her shield before she threw it to the side as well. She then took a stance that copied the Spartan's.

It would've been too easy to defeat this imposter with the odds in her favor, but she will get Circe's location and get rid some of the rage that has built up over the last two years. Whether she gets the location with was his last breath or not was up for him to decide.

While watching the fight from their borrowed car, Joker and Harley suddenly seen Batman running up to the scene.

"Oh, time to go!" Joker said before he slammed the vehicle into reverse and taking off down the street. Why should he save the goon if he wasn't following their orders.

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