Going to War

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Third person view/ Watchtower's med bay

Inside the med Bay of the Watchtower, it was basically the same it had been a week ago. Diana and Cassie had their hands on each other's with Kara on the other side of the bed. However this time it was Diana who was in the bed.

Dr Fate used his magic to remove any traces left over from the dagger and once he did that, her wound healed in record time. But the League still wanted her to take it easy until they were sure everything was fine.

Plus they still had to discuss the punishment she would be getting for disobeying orders.

Now normally, being a born and raised warrior like an Amazon, Diana wouldn't have accepted being bedridden like she was. However Diana just sat in the bed, staring at the wall in shock.

Flash then came in, the part of his costume that usually covered his face was now pulled back. And right behind him was another black haired woman with blue eyes. She wore a lawyer suit instead of a hero suit.

"Hey, tough girl. How's it going?" He questioned coming up beside Cassie as the black haired woman went beside Kara.

"My son stabbed me" she said in shock. Cassie then looked over at Barry.

"She's been saying that non-stop since she got here" she reported.

"Yeah, I guess it's only normal for that... now Diana, is it possible-" Barry began in a gentle tone but shut up when Diana snapped her head towards him and narrowed her eyes.

"It was him, Barry. My son is alive" she said firmly as images of her son began coming back to her mind. However they were all of when they fought.

Him punching her, her punching him, her dislocating his arm and him stabbing her.

"Sister" the black haired woman spoke drawing Diana's attention from Barry to her.

"Are you certain? I've seen my fair share of cases where someone has lost someone close to them and they sees similar features in someone and think it's them. Especially if a body was never found" she said. At this Diana took her hand from Cassie and grasped both hands of the black haired girl and stared into her eyes.

"Donna, it was him" she said looking her younger sister in the eyes. Donna looked at her sister for a few seconds before nodding.

"She's right, my nephew is alive" she said to the others as some tears began leaking from her eyes. When she heard the news that her nephew, who she had only seen on occasion but still spoiled every time she did, had been kidnapped she was half determined to quit her job as a lawyer and join her mother and sister in the hunt for the boy.

However Diana knew she was dealing with an important case and couldn't be pulled away from it and even threatened her slightly when she mentioned quitting.

And then when word got back to her a year later that her sister was back on Themyscira and was crying her eyes out, she returned home for a few days to comfort her as this time she had free time.

"Really just like that?" Barry said as Donna nodded.

"She's never been able to lie to me. If she's serious about this, than he's alive" she said.

"Okay, but how? Why? I mean he was not even a year old when he was taken in human years let alone Amazon years" Barry pointed out.

"Circe is a great magician and spell caster, she probably put a spell on him that sped up his aging process as well as gave him knowledge about combat as there was some techniques in our fight that I've only seen some elder Amazons do" Diana stated before her face turned into a scowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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