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 You shiver when the cool breeze weaving between the tree trunks catches you, your stomach slowly spinning. Gally is silent but circles you slowly, clearly debating what he should do with you, though you're pretty confident in that answer. You don't move but watch as his legs pass you, his eyes burning down into you from above. You fingers clutch the earth anxiously, wishing he would do something.

 "I think you should show me you're sorry," Gally decides after the tortuous wait, stepping in front of you properly, his groin in your vision. You swallow hard and look up at him, flushing when your eyes meet his, and kneel up properly in front of him. The second your fingers brush his waitband and belt, tugging them away, you are suddenly eager, and struggle to remove his trousers quickly. Though you have never done it before, you know what he wants, and all you can think is how you want it too.

 He smirks above you. "Someone's desperate to make it up to me." You throw him an aggravated glance but concentrate on pulling his trousers down his hips so his member springs free, earning a sharp intake of breath from Gally. You stare for a moment, panicking slightly at what you should do exactly, but he suddenly groans, "Use your hands."

 Your hands tentatively wrap around him, making him moan deliciously above you, sending electricity through your veins right to between your legs. He stares down at you, eyes almost shut, but gets a loose grip in your hair, guiding your head towards him. You can feel the tenseness in his fingers and how much he is holding back, clearly giving you enough ability to move your head away if you don't want to do what he wants. You're feeling flustered that you aren't pleasuring him, so lean closer.

 "Show me you're sorry," he instructs. You look up at him as you open your mouth and place your lips on his tip, tongue tracing him slightly before taking more of him in. He hisses and his hand tightens around your locks, pulling your head closer towards his hips.

 You manage to work it out, sliding the flat of your tongue over him as you pull away and take him back in, your hands still working on whatever doesn't fit. His groans and mutters of, "Fuck" spur you on, making you work faster.

 You look away, down at his abdomen, and he tugs your hair a little harder. "Eyes on me, y/n," Gally demands, moaning thickly when you glance back up at him wide-eyed. He suddenly pulls your head away, jaw tightening and breathing quick, eyes almost shut.

 You bring him to his orgasm with your hands, keeping your eyes on him like he said. He steps back and you stand painfully, knees aching from the uneven, uncomfortable ground. Worth it, you think smugly. Gally pulls you close to him, hand cupping your neck, and kisses you hard, lips pressing firmly against yours, tongue briefly tracing your lip before he sinks his teeth in it softly.

 "We're not done," he insists, fixing his clothes. You are suddenly aware of the voices of the other Gladers, back to their work. He gives you a hard look, looking back towards the sunlight. "Not yet." His voice still sounds instructive and void of emotion, still in his role of angry from insulting him.

 However, as you walk the opposite direction from him to exit the trees, you know from the look in his eyes you were always forgiven.


 Dinner at the tables, jostled by the surrounding Gladers, was how you enjoyed your evenings, laughing about each other's day and being entertained by stories. You sit beside Newt, the two of you discussing the grape vines, while the fires flickered hotter and higher, lighting up the gathered faces in hues of orange. Your stomach still aches anxiously and the aura of unfinished business is almost too much to keep you held together.

 "Gally, where did you disappear to today?" Minho asks curiously during the middle of the meal, looking at Gally on your other side, engrossed in eating. Your voice falteres almost but gathers pace rapidly, still talking about the grapes to Newt, though he barely notices, his eyes looking over your head at Gally.

 "I was with y/n," he says casually once he has swallowed his mouthful, his hand on your knee. You turn your head an inch towards him, mouth dry, wondering what he is going to say next. Minho raises his eyebrows and smirks, looking at you with amusement.

 "Is that so?" he grins. You flush, hoping desperately none of the Gladers are mind readers. You quickly stuff some food into your mouth, hoping you won't be questioned.

 "What were you two up to?" Minho winks, leaning forwards on his elbows. Your eyes meet Teresa's and she gives you an inqusitive look, but you shake your head slightly.

 "We were talking," Gally replies sternly, slipping back into his old, unfriendly pattern, but his hand slides from your knee up your thigh. Your eyes widen but you concentrate on chewing.

 "Not like you two to talk," Newt points out beside you, grinning at you both. Gally sighs, and once you have finished your mouthful, you grab your cup and take a long drink to keep your mouth occupied from talking. Gally's hand travels higher, making you take deeper gulps to distract yourself. You go to close your legs but he pulls at the one his hand rests on, keeping them open.

 "Well, we are together, so it would be necessary for the two of us to communicate," Gally replies flatly. Your drink is suddenly sprayed across Minho as you spit it out in shock, coughing uncontrollably. You hear the clatter of Thomas' cutlery on the table and Chuck almost falling off his chair.

 "You're what?" Thomas suddenly shouts, staring at you both in shock.

 "Bloody hell," Newt mutters, passing Minho a cloth to wipe himself.

 "Since when?" Minho questions, throwing you a dirty look.

 "Three days ago," Gally replies promptly. His hand keeps going, close to your heat, and your forkful of food almost ends up on your cheek. You panic, terrified someone will latch onto Gally's game, but they seem far too interested in your relationship. Though it hasn't been established between the two of you, you accept this immediately. Less romantic than being asked, but still pretty damn good.

 "And you didn't tell us," Newt accuses mockingly, smirking down at you. You jump when Gally's fingers move closer.

 "You hid it well," Teresa notes. Closer.

 So close.

 "I knew it was going to happen," Chuck announces brightly, eating his food happily.

 Literally an inch away. Your breathing quickens: you've spent all afternoon working with this impatience and desperation, and now, at the table, surrounded by your friends...

 Thomas turns to Chuck, frowning. "Since when? You didn't even know about the two of them."

 Gally pulls his hand away, using his other hand to eat too. You slump unhappily in your seat, mentally screaming, and fold your arms while Thomas and Chuck bicker about you and Gally. Gally snickers under his breath.

 "Well, I think you two would be good together. If you don't, you know...call each other shanks and such like normal," Minho shrugs, continuing to eat. You bite your lip, holding back the recollection of what happened when you did call him a shank, and wonder briefly when he will continue.

I know I didn't reallse the best smut terminology but I felt a bit too awkward using it now, so I kind of ghosted over body part names, oops. I don't think I will for this 'story', but I hope it was clear :) Also, I was so confused about where they ate dinner, so I just made them eat at tables. For the point of the story. Of course. I don't even know if this was good, I just went with it. And what was that ending? Sorry, rambling :x Thanks for reading thiiisss :D

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