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 Once you have emerged from the trees, wiping the cold streaks of tears off your cheeks, you keep your head high during your return, hoping you look breezy and carefree, resuming your onion chopping. Rency has drifted off back you your - her - vine, but your eyes linger on Gally, trying to detect any changes in him.

 He seems pink-cheeked and pleased, lips tightly shut like he is trying to hold something back, his mind clearly far away from the hammering he is doing, every hit of the nail lighter than normal. Your mouth twists unhappily, unsure what to do. There is always the possibility of accidentally-on-purpose leading Rency to the maze and kind of shoving her in, but you doubt that will go down well, and besides, you don't actually want to kill the girl.

 You're still musing over your options during dinner, pushed to the furthest edge of the table and jostled by the eager boys trying to capture Rency's attention, but you barely notice every elbow in your ribs or kick on the shin, too distracted. You definitely notice when you are suddenly thrown to the floor, pushed completely off your seat so you land awkwardly on your hip and elbow, groaning. You lie for a moment, gathering the breath the fall seemed to steal from your lungs, your stomach churning from the whack to your funny bone. Footsteps rush towards you - no one from the table has noticed - and a figure crouches beside you.

 "Y/n, you okay?" Gally questions, his sniggering smile making you want to slap his face. Repeatedly.

 "Do I look okay?" you snap, sitting up "Stop laughing, it's not funny!"

 "It kind of is," Gally laughs, grabbing your arm to help you up, but you tug it hard from his grip, batting him away.

 "Get off," you hiss, standing up quickly. "I don't need your help."

 Gally stands too, looking confused and slightly hurt. "What's wrong with you?"

 You throw your hands up with exasperation and begin to walk away. "It doesn't matter. Nothing seems to matter anymore." Before you can get anywhere, Gally loops his arm around your torso and stops you from taking another step forwards. You shove him off hard, holding an arm out to keep him at a distance. "Don't touch me!"

 You march off, trying to hide your limp and ignore the mutters surrounding you from the other Gladers, and end up in the Homestead, throwing yourself onto your hammock with a wince and a sharp hiss at the pain running up your hip. You lie on your back and glare at the sky, throwing a twig you find nestled in your blanket away from you violently, jarring your sore elbow. When Gally appears, you wish you'd kept it to aim for his head. His folded arms and vexed expression almost make you recoil - he has never looked at you in such a forbidding way before - but your anger keeps you glaring straight back.

 "Explain," he orders sharply, unmoving above you. You stubbornly ignore him for a moment but the thought that has been haunting you escapes in an explosion.

 "I saw her all over you like a rash! You weren't exactly pushing her away, you just let her do it." Tears streak down your face, hot and thick, and you fiercely wipe them away. Gally's eyes widen slightly, but he looks more defensive than ever.

 "What did you want me to do, be rude to her? She's new here and probably -"

 "See! Excuses for her!" you accuse hotly. "Then the way you were after, all distracted and weird and smiling to yourself!"

 He looks down at you for a moment and suddenly shakes his head, throwing his own hands up. "Wow. I'm done. I'm not having this conversation with you any more."

 You watch him jog away, still shaking his head and irate. You can see from your hammock the Gladers gathered, and you watch him, so tall and broad that he is clear in his vision, approach Minho, Newt and, of course, Rency. When she immediately goes to him, his head leaning close to her, you finally feel the sobs in your chest, broken and aching, and turn around swiftly, punching your pillow before dropping your head and it and letting out your tears. You're absolutely terrified of being left behind by Gally and your supposed best friends, replaced by this new girl who is clearly something special, and this fear twists to a pain that stabs into you and breaks your heart into a million pieces.

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