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I love getting all of these comments, they're just too much to handle sometimes XD Plus they really spur me on when writing <3 How lovely. I'm excited for this current-and-upcoming storyline, lawdie, we're getting close... But first...

 After several blankets of rain descend over the Glade during the next few days, everybody returns to work in an equally dampened mood, trying in vain to prepare themselves for the soaked work stations they now have to fix.

 You and Newt stomp over to the sludgy ground, the distance between the two of you painful, the mud sticking beneath your feet, and you groan when you see the state of the cabbages you were growing. You groan even louder when you see that the new grape vines you put up onto one of the poles has been knocked to the ground and is now coiled in the mud, unable to be used.

 "Seriously?" you ask the air angrily, running your fingers through your hair and sighing before you bend to pick up the damage. You catch Newt's eye but he looks away, his mouth still a serious, hard line; you aren't sure if it's because he is annoyed that all of your hard work has been wasted or because he is still angry because he caught you in Gally's top washing suspicious stains a few nights ago.

 Probably both, you think with a sigh, and watch him walk away to throw some of the vegetables out.

 "I can't believe all of this."

 You stand up to see Gally behind you, looking slightly frazzled and irritated. You dump the withered vines in one of the empty baskets and sigh. "How bad is it for you?"

 "Well, the wood's too soft to use," Gally sighs with you, his hands winding around your waist; you lean your back into his stomach and tilt you head against his shoulder warily.

 "This looks a mess," Gally comments, looking around at the sloppy ground and churned-up vegetables splattered across the ground.

 "This is going to take way too long to sort out," you complain, shutting your eyes and groaning.

 "Well, just relax, you can do it," Gally soothes, his hands fluttering over your stomach and landing on your abdomen. You open one eye and peer at him; he throws you a filthy grin, his eyes daring.

 "You can't be serious," you say, but his hands are already dipping into your trousers and over your vulva and skimming over your clit, making you arch your back and wind your arm back to grip his neck.

 "Gally, not here!" you gasp sharply, but you moan when his fingers quicken and tease your entrance. You want to push him off but it feels to good to deny, particularly after three days being stuck with the entire Glade in the Homestead while the rain poured.

 Gally's tongue slides over the joint of your neck and shoulders. "Why? Scared Newt's going to find you writhing about?" Two fingers enter you and you moan too loud, biting your tongue violently to fight it back.

 "Gally," you whine, jerking your hips. "Gally, do it faster!"

 He complies and you choke on your breath, gripping the back of his neck so tight you know it's going to be bright red for the rest of the day. He merely holds you equally tighter and keeps stroking his thumb over your wetness, his fingers curling inside you.

 You suddenly moan his name when his fingers brush against your g-spot and you almost scream, flailing against his body, and he pulls his hand away when your breathing has settled, his fingers in his mouth and sucking hard while he grins at you.

 You straighten your clothes and attempt to look calm, but you know you're hot and flustered, so fan yourself. "Thank you," you say, and he bursts out laughing.

 "You're welcome," he mocks, raising his eyebrows. He looks up and frowns. "Oh, here comes your boyfriend."

 You turn away from Gally and see Newt walking towards the two of you from a distance, staring at the ground hard and dragging two spades. Gally taps your bum lightly and kisses you, and you almsot moan again when your taste lingers on his lips.

 When Gally parts from you, you turn back to Newt and are surprised when he almost glares at you, dislike radiating from his eyes. "Are you two done now, or am I going to have to work on my own?" he asks sharply, so unlike the Newt you have known since you first arrived in the Glade and he insisted you work with him.

 "Yes," you reply, ruder than you wished it to be, and feel guilty when he throws one of the spades over to you and turns away. You think of how you felt when you saw Gally and Rency together, and you realise if Newt is feeling exactly the same, especially after the fact that you let him kiss you and then just went back to Gally like nothing happened.

 You want desperately to say something, anything, to get your old friend back, and for him to not be hurting like you're sure he must be, but you can't find the words. Instead of attempting to patch up the frays of your friendship, you turn your back on him and dig the ground, the high Gally gave you melting away.

I keep trying to watch all of Robbie Kay In Houston on YouTube but I keep turning it off from too much excitement and the fact I'm sitting there staring at the screen with a ridiculous dorky smile. Why does he have this effect? Jesus.

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