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Back again with smut, dedicated to the people who were thirsty for it XD Thank you for believing in me and saying you think I could keep knocking out the ideas, but I'm still dubious to whether or not I can fully handle it :s I'll try though anyway <3

 The continuously staring eyes distract you from your sleepiness the following day, the pairs of eyes watching you appreciatively and the occasional mutter of your name snapping you out of your hazy state as you begin to feel self-concious. You notice Gally seems even more on edge this morning, his mouth set in a firm, tense line as he watches the other boys dangerously, his jaw tensing when he overhears their words or sees them check you out as you walk around working.

 Though they keep their distance after his public display of affection at dinner, it doesn't halt their glossy new fascination with you, and this seems to rile Gally even more. You are pleased to be distracted when Rency strolls by, fiddling with her blonde hair and throwing you a nervous grin, your healing arm much more efficient than it had been before, your bulky cast barely bothering you once you have got used to the weight and pain.

 You are just enjoying watching Rency attempt to flirt with Newt and his slightly terrified responses when you feel a thin arm - not bulky like Gally's - slip around your waist. You turn and see one of the Gladers, only recognisable in your mind as the one who is cockier than Gally and extremely vain, grinning down at you, looking down at your chest and back to your face, eyes lingering on your lips. You frown and take a step away, but he clings to you.

 "Hey, y/n," he smirks, biting his lip seductively. You glance at Newt and Rency, who both peer back with the same look of confusion, their eyes noticeably turning to Gally with the other builders. You look back at the Glader.

 "Hi?" You don't think you've spoken two words to him before.

 "How are you? Decided to fight later?" he questions, eyes still trailing down your body. Your hands are still on the vine poles and you grip them to keep from hitting this idiot in the face.

 "No," you shrug shortly, still attempting to concentrate on connecting the poles but struggling when you have another arm attached to your body. The Glader raises his eyebrows and his hand slips lower.

 "That's a shame you know," he drawls. "You're a good fighter. It looks impressive." Another lip bite. "Damn impressive."

 You try to hold back the shudder and are about to retort with something when his hand suddenly cups your backside and pinches hard, making you feel sick. You squeak when the pain and revulsion washes over you and freeze suddenly.

 "Oi, do you really think that's wise?" Newt suddenly says, folding his arms and stepping forwards. He glares at the Glader, his own fists clenched by his sides, and continues, "What would Gally say if he saw his girlfriend getting felt up by some complete arse in tight trousers?"

 The Glader turns his head quickly into the direction of Gally, who, thankfully for him, is completely distracted with sawing. He thinks for a moment and lets you go, his hand sliding across your bum before being off your body completely.

 "Trust me. I've been on the recieving end of his jealousy and it's not particularly pleasant," Newt goes on. "So, if I was you, I'd get your hands off her and leave before Gally rearranges your face."

 Once the Glader finally leaves, looking annoyed and put out, you finally relax, still shivering uncomfortably.

 "Thanks," you breathe, your stomach stirring in a sickly way. Newt shrugs and gets back to work.

 "It's fine. It would have been funny to see Gally's reaction, though."

 You're amusement returns when you see Rency staring at Newt as if he is the most brave and gallant gentleman in the universe and smile to yourself, your hands finding their way back onto the vine pole.


 You were anxious about going to the Deadheads alone to fetch some fertiliser, though as you walked through the dim light of the trees, keeping your body moving quickly, you swing your bucket around, hitting the imaginary heads of that vile Glader, twirling the bucket elaborately as if you are some kind of super ninja. Your fantasies die when you hear the heavy steps behind you, just as quick and unhidden.

 You drop your bucket when the person approaches and pulls your arms behind your back, the rough material of rope brushing your skin. You gasp but recognise the hushes at once, the feel of the fingers and the lips on skin.

 "Gally, you gave me a heart attack! I thought it was -" You don't bother continuing.

 "Thought it was who?" he purrs against your skin, his hands still working on the arms around your back. The thin light that filters through the trees suddenly shifts as the clouds dance over the sun, covering the sparse beams that had managed to cut through the dense leaves above. You shiver at the darkness and go to pull your arms away from behind your back, but find they have been completely restricted. You tug at the binds again, realising the rope Gally had in his hands was used to tie you up. Your heart skips a beat and you manage to turn around.

 Gally automatically kisses you, the burning excitement in his eyes contagious, and you kiss him back with anticipating lips. When he pulls away, you glance around your surroundings.

 "Another place we have been to before," you point out, referring to the two times he had you on a table and the last time you had been in the forest with him. Gally smirks, his arms folded, and looks you over, taking in every curve of your body and the entirety of the minimum of skin exposed - your neck, your collarbones, your wrists, your midriff where your top has lifted. When you hear the distant shouts of the Gladers, all immersed in their work, he looks behind you, into the deeper trees and further away from the boys, and tilts his head.

 "I think we should take a walk," Gally muses, sliding his hand onto your lower back and leading you through the trees, your arms still pulled behind your back. As you walk, you test the binds and tug on the ropes a bit, but he has done complicated, unbreakable knots. You wonder how on earth you're going to get out of it, but before you can form a plan, Gally stops you. The light streams through brighter in the section of the woodlands, the branches above bare and the ground sharper. He steps back again, though his hands stay clinging to your waistband.

 "You're right, you know," Gally nods, eyes flickering over the trees. "I did take you here before. When you...orally apologised." Your mouth waters slightly and you swallow it back quickly, breath hitching. Your bound arms wriggle and his fingers begin tugging your trousers down, his eyes locked on yours.

  "I think you deserve me to return the favour."

I always thought Gally would like, you know, bondage and shit to make himself feel more powerful and stuff for his ego, but not in a creepy way, like in a sexy way. I don't knowwww. The real smut is next chapter and coming right away, as promised <3

Gally x reader SMUTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora