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RIGHT I think I've got this now; I've made a story plan which should flow pretty easily <3 THANK YOU FOR ALL HELP AND SUPPORT AND PATIENCE AND INPUT AND IDEAS and if I used an idea you gave me, thank you so much and that goes to you or whatever <3 Also, suggest things for me to read; whenever I'm on wattpad, I always focus on my story and don't read enough of other people's. LOVE YOU. Listening to Outside by Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding helped me write this one. Well, a lot of Now 90, to be honest, but that seemed to sum it up.

 Bonfires. You completely regret their existence: all of the worst memories - and the haunting best - have happened during these supposed celebratory nights. You feel something cold weaving in and out the smoky heat from the fire settled in the heart of the gathering of Gladers, and you know something astronomical is going to happen tonight. You politely declined the offers of alcoholic beverages, instead settling on water. You couldn't help but notice Gally drinking heavily with the other builders. And her, practically clambering on him. Her hand on his knee makes you seethe, but seeing his own hand on hers burns something inside you, your eyes barely able to tear away from the sight before you.

 "Y/n. Forget about it." You turn to see Newt flopping down next to you, already tipsy and carrying a glass of amber liquid in his hands, his arm dropping behind your body. You take a deep breath and fake a smile.

 "I'm fine," you lie cheerfully, twisting your body to face Newt, but wrap your arms around yourself, your insides aching. Newt stares at you dubiously, and reaches out his hand, pressing his finger to your lips briefly.

 "Hmm. I think these lips are lying. I can see it in your eyes," he says drunkenly, sitting up slightly. He leans closer to you and tips more drink into him mouth, but puts the glass on the floor when he spots the tears dribble from your eyes. "Woah, woah, no, y/n, don't!"

 But you can't help it. They fall without your control and you breathe hard, trying to hold them back. You glance over at Gally and everything feels a million times worse when you see him loop some hair behind Rency's ear, practically gazing at her. Newt leans close to you and wipes your tears away quickly, hushing you. He sighs when he sees Gally and Rency, slipping a hand into yours.

 "Y/n, he's just being a dick to distract himself. But I know, it's not fair. You don't deserve that," Newt says, stroking the palm of your hand. "He doesn't realise how special you are."

 "He's got Rency," you spit, tightening your arms around yourself until it hurts, like a snake practically squeezing out your insides. "He thinks she's more special. He always did."

 "Oh, come on. You're way better than her. You're so funny and interesting, and she's really irritating and weird," Newt complains.

 "Doesn't mean she isn't prettier than me. And Gally clearly likes the look of her," you mutter. Newt doesn't say anything for a moment, and you take in the sounds of laughter and yelling across the Glade. Newt squeezes your hand, capturing your attention.

 "Yeah, she's pretty," Newt says thoughtfully, his voice sounding more sober than you've heard all night. "but you're beautiful."

 You look at him, unsure of how to feel. Flattered? Surprised? The way Newt is looking at you makes your heart pound, his eyes dark and big, staring straight into you, under the surface. He can see you perfectly, and it's what you've been needing from Gally for a long time.

 You can't move when Newt's fingers touch under your chin and turn your head to face him, his lips parting. You don't think you can breathe when his head moves closer to yours, his head tilting. You shut your eyes and Newt's lips meet yours, soft and gentle and caring.

 You can't help pushing back against his mouth, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. When your lips part you hear the slight gasp escaping his mouth before it meets yours again, and his hands meet your hair, your cheek.

 Just as your heart is pounding hard, a fluttering excitement zipping through your body, you see Gally's face in the back of your mind. Every kiss, every touch and every look he ever gave you floods back and you pull away sharply, your lungs burning. Newt looks down at your with surprise and worry, his lips slightly swollen, and you pull your arms away, leaning away.

 Just as he's asking you what the matter is, you turn your head to look for Gally, suddenly needing him more than anything. The tearful desperation for him is unexplicable and overwhelming, and your eyes seek him quickly, wishing more than anything he didn't see you kissing Newt.

 You find him.

 He definitely didn't see you. How could he?

 He is on the floor, practically lying down, his hands roaming and his lips occupied. All of his attention is away from you. He's too busy kissing Rency, with one hand squeezing under her thigh and the other running through her hair. His teeth tug at her lower lip, his body rolls onto hers, and she reciprocates with a hand sliding down to his crotch, yanking his neck so he is pulled closer to her.

 That's when you lurch up from your seat, feeling dizzy and too light, rushing away from the so-called party to be sick.

WOW this was the MOST emotional thing I've written. For me, anyway. I tried so hard and really wanted to get this one right. Damnnnnnnn. I actually feel sick from writing all that, like with all of my own emotions.

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