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I hate the new Wattpad layout thing, sobs.

 You never thought you'd be irritated with Gally while he was taking your shirt off, but his impatience was getting you tetchy. He was frowning while he tried to tug your sleeve over your cast, his large hands fumbling, his brow scrunched up; he wasn't assisting you very well.

 "Look, why don't you just go back to work and I'll get Teresa to help me," you sigh. The girls' shower block does not contain Teresa, though she did say she would be happy to help you if you needed reinforcement changing. Rency made you the same offer, to your dismay. Gally shook his head, edging the shirt sleeve gently over your cast, trying to not knock your arm.

 "I've nearly done it now," he persists, finally exposing your arm; he pulls the garment off your body while you raise your arms, feeling too warm from the palaver. Gally reaches for the waistband of your trousers but you put your left hand on his chest.

 "I think I can manage that," you smirk, pulling them off with one hand. Gally watches you for a moment, his eyes wandering over your uncovered body, his tongue dragging over his lips inadvertently. You flap at him with your shirt.

 "Gally! Do you mind?" You turn your back on him, chewing the inside of your mouth to not burst out laughing and step under the shower head. Gally doesn't leave; he simply leans against the wall with his arms folded, watching you as you one-handedly wet your hair.

 "You know, you could be useful instead of just gawping at me like that," you mention shortly, trying to keep your cast away from the water. Gally immediately steps forwards, tugging his shirt off to keep it from getting wet, and leans towards you, taking his hair in his hands, running his fingers through it and letting the water soak in. You close your eyes peacefully, his fingers comfortably massaging your scalp. While he works on your hair, you can't help but return to Vince's words in the maze. What did he mean? You've been pondering this for a while, each sentence playing on repeat in your mind throughout the sleepless nights, shaking when you hear distant Grievers, but what scares you the most is your final memories of Vince.

 "Are you okay?" Gally asks, his hands pausing mid-wash.

 "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," you lie.

  "We should all die. We shouldn't give in to them."

 You forget for a while when Gally's lips press against your neck, his hands sliding down your soaked body, but you know, deep inside, you need answers.


 Minho is just walking away from Thomas and Teresa when you approach him, catching him on the arm. He looks down at you and smiles brightly.

 "Nice hair," he notes, looking up at the stringy mess that is your still-drying hair, desperate for a brush.

 "Why are we in the maze?" you question before his eyes are back down to your face instead of on your hair. He looks down at you in shock, his eyes wide, his mouth open but unspeaking.

 "I...what?" he asks in a hushed voice, noticeably swallowing hard. You attempt to fold your arms, your cast getting in the way, ignoring the twinge when you knock your broken bone.

 "Vince told me we were in here for a reason and we shouldn't be put in here because of 'them'. He told me we should all just throw ourselves in the maze and kill ourselves," you explain in a rush, craving the answer. Minho looks around, glancing at Thomas and then towards Alby, his mouth shutting quickly.

 "I don't know," he replies flatly, though his eyes don't meet yours. "Me and Thomas don't know. Okay? So don't bother asking."

 Despite his rudeness as he pushes past you, basically refusing to continue with the conversation, you notice the anxious worry in his voice, a wavering undertone of fear that not even he can hide.

 You bite your thumb worriedly when you sit back down in your seat assigned by Gally near him while your arm heals, your job to sort out the wood - it's a Greenbean job but you are almost as incapable as one to do anything else. When you see him, smiling at you inbetween shouting his orders to the builders, you decide to forget about the maze and it's inhabitants, the riddle of Vince's words and his desperation for death. Forgetting about it for a while is easy when Gally marches next to you, bending close to whisper in your ear, "I can't stop thinking of you in the shower; I want you later," with his lips pressing against you firmly, his fingertips tracing the skin of your neck, making you shiver.

 Later seems so much more promising.

Captain Gally, what a distraction. I was laughing to myself when I imagined him in the shower casually rapping Waterfalls.

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