Entering The Void

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(3rd person POV)

As 2 young beautiful girls were walking down a damp, cold alley way. They stopped and looked up to admire the dark blue sky filled with stars.

Before continuing their walk, one of them saw something or someone in the shadows. But what they didn’t know, is that thing is about to bring them to their worst nightmare. the game they are about to play already has intentions for them...

"Hey you alright?" One of the girls said. The other one responds with a weird tone, "yea yea I'm fine! Let's just get home" They start walking home a few minutes later. They finally got home at Midnight before one of them got a random message from a unknown number.

The message had said, "You have been selected to play our new-coming game!! Press this link and it'll take you to the game! H̸a̸V̸e̸ F̸u̸N̸~." Elizabeth looked at her friend in confusion. Her friend, Lauren said, "should we..?"

Elizabeth sighed and shrugs, "I don't know.. it seems a little suspicious being sent a game invite at midnight."
They stare at it before Elizabeth clicked on it and waited. A little of waiting, they felt weird and dizzy. They looked at each other with fear in their eyes, "uhh what's going on?" Elizabeth then responded "I don't know! I shouldn't have clicked it!!"

They were soon teleported to a random location and passed out. A few hours later, they woke up and looked around. "Hello?" "Anyone there?" Elizabeth said confused and scared. A voice comes on a speaker and says, "Welcome welcome!! It's a pleasure to have you here to play my game.."

It was silent for like a moment but then the voice came back on, "well I'm gonna talk you through the game and how to play it!" Lauren and Elizabeth were silent for half part of the explanation. "So you got it under control?" The voice ended the explanation with a question. "Yea I think we got it!" They yell to the speaker.

"Okay good. Now you understand, look around and you will find a door leading you to your next destination!" The voice started to give instructions to the girls.

"In game fallout" (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now