The Lookout (pt 2)

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'Goodnight! I'll see you soon~'
They say before I pass out.

- Lauren POV-

'it was all a dream..'

  I woke up to find myself next to a pond of fish? (What happened?)

   "Eliza?" "Voice?" I call out to them. I then hear shuffling near me so I turn to face it. But it was only Elizabeth.. "what happened?" I commented, confused. No response..
   I get up to only find myself feeling dizzy, "ughh" I groan in pain. (Why can't I remember..)

   I look at the pond to find some cod fish. "That's what we are looking for!" I jump up but felt pain in my leg. Elizabeth looks up at me and runs to me, "hey hey what are you doing?"

  "Doing our quest" I answered, confused on how Elizabeth is acting. "No no! You need rest.." Elizabeth sighed and forced me down. It was confusing at first but I looked at myself and gasped...

   "What the hell happened?!" I looked up to Elizabeth glaring at me, hurtingly. I had cuts, bruises all over my arms. (That's why I felt dizzy!) "We were attacked.." she commented after a while I silence.

"By who/what?!" I yelled out of confusion and anger. "I-i don't know! I'm sorry" Elizabeth observed me before going back to the pond. "O-oh.." I sighed, looking at my feet. I laid back down and looked up, "did you do the quest?" I ask.

Elizabeth was quiet before responding, "I know who attacked you.." I sit up quickly, "WHAT?!" I yelled.


(A/N): I'm sorry for this being short but I'm tired and I'm slowly running out of ideas for chapters so please comment down below for me! But thank you so much for reading this and getting me to my ever first goal!

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Stay hydrated and safe. <3

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