Trail 1

16 4 2

(Lauren's POV)

I look around in fear after the laughing ended. "Ughhh why did she press it even when we were suspicious!!" I mutter under my breath. I sigh and get up. "I think he said to go through that door?" I ask myself and look at the door.

"Good now!" The voice says after me and Elizabeth walk into the door. "Now what voice?" I ask to the person who is speaking. "I want you to walk straight forward until you reach a rock or something." The voice responds to my question.

I start walking foward but looking down now and then. "Gotta be careful.." I mutter quietly. A little while later, I start to reach a rocky-ish thing. "I think I'm at the rock!" I yell to the voice. "Good! Now ready for your next task?" The voice replies.

"Yes mr.voice" I answer in a kinda annoyed tone. "Okay then! The next task is, to walk north and reach a scarved tree!" The voice replies after a minute.

It took a bit for me to get to the tree that was scared but I finally found it. I sigh and sit down on the tree to rest for a minute or two. "Can we take a break mr.voice?" I ask the voice.

"Fine, you two may rest but only for a little while!" The voice says. I sigh and yawn. I am pretty tired after walking for ages.. so I decided to take a nap on the tree.

A few minutes later, I was awoken by the voice, "wakey wakey! Time to get up." I get up and groan, "I'm up!"

"In game fallout" (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें