Trail 2

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(Elizabeth's POV)

I was up the whole time while I think Lauren was asleep. A minute later, I then heard the voice say"wakey wakey! time to get up!"
I guess they were talking to Lauren? I don't know! I haven't seen her since the wall thing happened.

"Good now! The next task is to walk south to find a paper on a tree! Go to it and read it out loud." The voice gave us our next instructions.

"I guess we go then" I sigh and start walking. A little while later, I finally reach the paper on the tree and I read it out loud, 'dadadadadada'.
"I'm done mr.voice! Now what?" I yell after reading the paper.

"Give me a moment please" the voice says with a worried tone. I was confused on why he wanted us to wait. I shrugged it off and sat down. A hour later or so, The voice came back on, "sorry about that! Where was I?"

"Oh yea!! Your next task is: go to a lake and say your there but there is a twist" the voice replies to itself.
I nod and start walking, "alright let's do this.."
"I hope Lauren is alright.." I think to myself as I'm walking. I shake my head as I try to not think about it as much.

"Hey voice! Can I take a nap? I was up the whole time" I ask the voice after I reach a tree. "Yea sure" the voice replies with a annoyed but a calm tone.
"Thanks" I say as I sit down on a tree.

I slowly start to doze off after a minute or two. I guess I was that tired...

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