The Unknown Shadow

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(Lauren's POV)

I wake up to find myself in the middle of the ocean? Where am I?... "hello there.. Lauren" someone says behind me. "Who's there?!" I turn around and see nothing.
"You cant see me Lauren.." whispers come all the way around me. Why can't I see them?! "What's going on?" I say flustered with anger.

"Oh can't you see..your in a dream Lauren" it says. "What? What is it saying..? Am I in a dream?" I think to myself as I look around once more.
"You know Lauren, I always have watched you and your every move.." a shadowy figure appears out of nowhere.

I turn to face the figure to try to make it out. "Who are you and what do you want?!" I yell at it.  silence happens for a moment but the shadow speaks, "you don't need to know who I am. But I do want something from you and Elizabeth.."

"Wait from her too?" I ask firmly to the shadow. "Mhmm!" It chuckled. But what does it want from us..? "tell me what do you want from me and Elizabeth!" I look at the shadow.
"Hmm what I want from you two is.. death!" It starts to laugh evilish. "What?!" I yell to the shadow. The laughing goes on for a minute or two. "Why would it want us dead?" I mutter quietly to myself.

"Why do you want us dead?!" I ask the figure in a scared tone. "Because you did something that I want revenge!" It replies back with anger in the voice.
I scoot back a bit from the figure in scared-ness. "And what's that?" I then say. "You'll find out very soon.. now to to sleep.." it snaps it's fingers and I pass out.

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