Chapter 4

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Hello beautifuls! (: So, here's Chapter 4! I hope you like it! Sorry, if my updates start getting later.. I have cheer tryouts soon, and I am devoting most of my time to training! Thanks for all the votes and the few people who commented! This chapter is dedicated to the author of The Player Who Took My Virginity. If you haven't read it, go read it now!

~Rylee xx

 I stormed up the escalators as fast as I could trying to escape from Sam. A kiss. A kiss. A good kiss. I kept repeating in my mind. I wouldn’t fall for him. No way. Why can’t I get that freaking kiss out of my head.

                “Cam!” I heard a voice shout behind me. I released a breathe I didn’t know I had been holding just as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and turn me around.

                “Stop, Sam! Jesus, why can’t you just leave me alone?” I spat in his face, anger boiling inside me. Sixteen years and no guy had ever made me feel this angry. Why him? It was just a kiss but why did I want more? Why did I feel an attraction to Sam that even I don’t understand? He’s just like me. I know how people like me are.

                He swallowed then looked at the ground and smiled. “Why are you so afraid of falling for me?”

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