Feelings I shouldn't have...

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did he touch you here ?" he asks while rubbing your thigh gently. Your eyes widen up and you can't make yourself say a word. Didn't he say he wouldn't touch you until you asked him to ?
He shivers and takes his hand away looking all shocked. „I'm sorry Y/n.. I know I didn't wanted to touch you until you asked me for it. Promise I won't do it again" he says and leaves you there being all stumbled. (Is that the right word ? Pls correct my German ass xD)
Why did he let go ? Why didn't he continue ? You wanted him to continue even tho it wasn't right..
„Kookie I..uhh" you don't know what to say.
„Don't need to say anything Y/n, I should really go now before I really mess this up" he smiles and walks to the door. No.. he can't leave.. You don't want him to disappear out of your life again but what can you do ? You watch him as he opens the door and leaves, saying good night and shuts the door. You roll down the wall and begin to cry.
„Idiot..." you mumble.

Next day at your office

You're working on your desk for a very important project when Min Yoongi enters and stares at you.
„What ?" you ask rudely. He raises one eyebrow and comes closer, slamming his hand on the desk.
You twitch but still don't look up.
„Did you know he works for the other company ?" he asks kinda mean. You don't even know whi he means or what's happening.
„If you'd tell me the name I may be able to answer you" you roll your eyes looking at him.
„Jeon Jungkoon". Say what ?
„No I certainly did not." why didn't he say anything last night ? Min Yoongi looks really mad. More like pissed. This could be fun you think and smirk.
„Ohh~ is the CEO jealous hm ?" you say as you cross your legs. He gulps and looks at your thighs. Dragging you in his office and slamming the door shut you realize your mistake.
„I was joking you retard" you yell and try to leave but he holds you right. It hurts..
he starts kissing your thighs and leaves two hickeys in your inner thighs near your intimate part.
You punch him in the face and he starts bleeding on his lips. „Fucking pervert !" you run away just leaving the Office room and run into him. Jeon Jungkook... he smiles but as soon as he sees you crying he looks serious.
„Come with me Y/n I'll take you home". You follow his lead and pack your things.
Arriving at your place you thank him. He looks at you. At your thighs and sees the hickeys.
„Kookie I-„
„Shut up. Did he do this to you ? Did he kiss you there ?" he asks touching the hickey. You twitch cuz it hurts.
„Y-yeah.. but I didn't want it, I'm sorry" why did you say sorry ? You're not even in a relationship.
„Why are you apologizing ? We're not a Couple, tho I don't like the thought of someone else other than me touching you on these body parts" he reaches out for your thighs but stops right before touching them. Touch them... You think.
„Y-you can touch them" you say while blushing. He nods and rubs your inner thigh where the hickey is.
„Disgusting filthy rat..." he curses and accidentally pinched you. You let out a tiny Moan and look him straight in the eyes.
„Fuck.. what are you doing to me Y/n. Doing things like this.. Makes it harder for me to hold back"
„Then don't hold back Jungkook" you say as if it's normal. You know it's not right to do. But you can't help your feelings. He starts kissing you and you return the Kiss.

To be Continued 🌚

Not me writing this chapter at work HAHAHAHA I'm getting fired... 😂
Jkjk but heyyyaaaa I'm back bitchezzzz. Hope y'all liked this chapter and hopefully see ya in the next chapter~
Also lil update since you only know me from 4 years ago hehe~

1. I'm 20 (turned 20 on July 10th this year 2021)
2. I'm engaged (Not to any idol I mean in real life. I have a fiancée.
3. I live with my fiancée and 2 cats in our own house (apartment)
4. Im a Nurse
5. I guess have a pic again ?


This was ya Girl at her birthday don't mind me dressing up 😂

Feelings I shouldn't haveWhere stories live. Discover now