Feelings I shouldnt have...

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„Do you want me to stop ? Be honest..." you gulp and try to get away. „Listen, we can't do that. You're engaged and I've moved on". You slip through and sigh.
„Did you really moved on tho ?" he asks while pushing you against the wall again. „Then why did you come if you've moved on huh ?" he smirks. You didn't move on... how could you.
„M-maybe I didn't move on but we still can't do that". He plays with your hair and slowly gets away from you. „Fine Y/n... I won't touch you anymore until you ask me for it... I promise". He takes your hand and smiles. „Can we go to the rollercoaster ?!" he asks happily. How could you say no to that face ? You nod and just follow him around. Your thought are going wild rn...
2h later and he seems to be sad. „What's wring jungkook ?" you ask concerned. „Please.... call me kookie again". He painfully smiles.
„Fine. Kookie what's wrong ? Don't you have fun ?". „I do but you seem not to have any fun... Should we leave ?" he asks and you just nod. Going to the car you're thinking about everything. „To your place Y/n ?" „yeah".
Arriving at your place he comes to your door to make sure you're safe. „Thanks for today and I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it..." he says.
„Jungkook.... do you wanna come inside ? And just talk ?" his eyes widen and a smile appears on his face. „Yeah sure !". You go inside and sit down in your room. „Do you.... still drink peppermint tea kookie ?" you ask and go to your kitchen. „You still remember huh". You blush and heat up some water.
While it's boiling you sit next to him. „So.... you're working at an office now Y/n ?".
„Don't remind me. It's a horror place there since we got a new CEO"
„Who is it ?" he asks serious. „You probably don't know him but his name is Min Yoongi" you say unbothered. He looks mad.
„Did he touch you ?" you're shocked he asks such stuff. „W-what ?" „DID HE TOUCH YOU I ASKED" he yells and you jump.
„N-not in that way...". He still seems so pissed.
„Where did he touch you ?" „just normal things, like arms and such..." you say confused.
Jungkook slowly gets closer to you.
Touching you thighs....
„Did he touch you here ?"

To be continued hehe 😛

Feelings I shouldn't haveWhere stories live. Discover now