( a. summers ) "i know you"

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GENRE: enemies to lovers, fluff
NOTES: i haven't been online bc my life has been stressful and i very much have creativity block. but ive been trying to work a little on a few things, and i finally finished one!!! this is basically a gift for mximmcff based off a prompt they gave me bc we both love alex sm <3 hope u enjoy bestie!!!!!!! love uuu
WORDS: 8170 (yes i got carried away lol)



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"Why do you have to be such a dick?" You yelled in frustration, glaring over at Alex as you walked down the ramp of the cargo hold. Your hand ruffled through your hair, and you didn't wait for anyone to head in - - instead stomping off to where you knew the door was as the rest of the team lingered in the hold of the aircraft with the new, unconscious mutant.

Alex, of course, wasn't one to back down when he thought you were being insufferable, and making a big deal of things. "Why are you such a baby?" He bit back, pushing his long sleeves up his forearm as he followed behind you - - not noticing that everyone else was prying in on your conversation much like usual. It was difficult not to when you tended to argue in front of them on (at least) a daily basis.

"Well, sorry for worrying about your life more than you do!" You muttered under your breath, intentionally loud enough for him to hear, because you wanted him to know you were upset. The whole team had set out a couple of hours ago to try and bring an Alpha level mutant back to the mansion (one who was currently asleep on a stretcher in the back of the jet) - - a young boy that was volitile, and dangerous because of his elemental abilities. You were talking him down from an overwhelmed, terrified state as he backed into a corner, afraid because every other adult that had approached him didn't understand. His parents tried, but they got the wrong people involved before you could arrive.

Just when you thought you were in the clear with the boy, a blue and white car came careening down the cul-de-sac, engulfing the room in flashing lights and sirens. The front door swung open, and the boy retroactively clasped his hands over his ears, his senses overstimulated as the floor began to shift around him. Mud and earth crawled between the floor boards, chunks of stone and clay breaking through as you took a stumble back, your teammates calling out to you - - grappling to pull you back as his small figure was enraptured in a crust of rich brown earth.

You thought you were safe, until you heard the officer exclaiming, his gun aimed at the pulsating shield the boy had created around himself.

"He's not dangerous," Charles tried to explain, much to the ignorance of the unwavering cop - - who sent two bullets skittering off of the stoney façade before anyone had a chance to stop him.

The next moment you blinked, you saw the rocks and earth begin to rumble, and then an explosion that sent debris out across the room in an arc. Your hand whipped up, protecting your face despite knowing you'd need more than that to help you.

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