Beach Secrets

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The whole group arrived on the beach, playing loud music and playing volleyball. "Who wants to play drink or dare?" Exclaims Kim. "I'm up for it, so is Chloe." Said Sabrina. "You're making it sound like I'm a fucking alcoholic." The group gathered around in a circle, and Alya was up first to choose. "Hmm... Nino! Drink or dare?" He was tempted to see the dare, but he really wanted that damn drink. "Drink all the way baby." He grabs the shot glass and chugs it.

It was Nino's turn next. "Hmmm... Adrien my dude, drink or dare?" He thinks for a moment to see the dare. "Dare." "I dare you to have a make-out session with Marinette until it's her turn." The whole group gasps and the two look at each other. "Well what are you waiting for Princess? Kiss me." The two started making out, locking lips and tongues dancing around in each other's mouths.

"Okay, Mylene it's your turn. Drink or dare?" She glared at the bottle of Pink Whitney, and instantly said 'drink is my jam'. She took the shot glass and and chugged it like it was nothing. Then finally , it was Marinette's turn. "Alright lovebirds, Makeout session over. "We'll come back to this Princess." "Drink or dare Mari?" I glared at the group and thought. "I'll take a shot with the drink." I grabbed the whole crown bottle and twisted the lid open. "Mari don't drink the whole-" It was too late, I chugged the whole thing down. "Game over, how about the club?"

Before they go, Alya stopped me. "Girl, I know you have a secret.. just spill it." I nervously shook and laughed. "I-I don't know what you're talking about.."
"Okay find, I had sex with Adrien. Is that better?!" "Girl, I knew you guys had sex last night." "Y-you heard us?" She laughs and glared at me. "You wouldn't stop moaning. Whatever he was doing to you, you were definitely enjoying.

That's when it hit me. I start to feel sick. I run for the ocean, throwing up my dinner. I sit down, nauseous and head pounding. I start to cry, mascara smeared on my face.

"Are you sure you'll be able to go babe? I nod at him, and he questions me again. "Because if you're not I'll just stay here with you and take care of you." I smile and hold on to him. "Mhm, I'll be fine." He nods and we get up.

We all talk about the club we're going to, and pack everything up. We asked about drink options and asked everyone if they wanted to go.

The group agreed and they head to separate cars to the club.

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