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old friends, new places.


Lucky and Leon moved easily through the halls, falling back on tactics they'd used together before-- even though it had been years since they'd so much as seen each other.

"Hey," Lucky called quietly, gesturing to a hallway when Leon looked her way. He nodded once and moved around her slowly. With a deep breath, he stepped around the corner and raised his gun.


"Holy shit!"

Lucky followed, raising her gun as well, only to come face-to-face with Jason and Shen Mei. She let out the breath she didn't notice she'd been holding and lowered her gun.

"Jesus, you two! Are you trying to get shot?" She snapped, glowering. Jason rolled his eyes.

"I was gonna say the same to yo--"

"Doesn't matter," Leon cut in, "This way's clear. You guys?"

Shen Mei nodded. "Clear. We met up a while back, headed to the generators."

"Same here. Come on, we can do a thorough sweep once we can use our useless eyeballs." Lucky huffed, slipping past them. As she stomped ahead, Jason glanced at Leon with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Trouble in paradise?" He inquired, clearly looking to get a bit of dirt on the pair.

Leon managed a nonchalant grin and shrugged. "Nah, everything's peachy."

"Uh-oh, peachy is never good."

"Peachy is fine--"

"Peachy is never good."

"Shut up!" Lucky snapped over her shoulder. She was already regretting ever showing up.


"We had men comb through every inch of every floor, it's secure and locked down as tight as my ninety year-old aunt's ass."

Lucky blinked at the general in front of her, then nodded slowly. "Thank you for that... horrible mental image. Dismissed."

He paused like he was going to say more, but clearly opted against that idea and hurried off. Lucky's hands lifted to her head and she began to rub circles in her temples as a suffering sigh escaped her lips.

Suddenly, there was a presence beside her.

"Enjoying life?"

She shot a sharp glare at Leon, fighting her urge to smile. "Just great. I mean... unleashing bioweapons in the White House? How organized are these assholes?"

"Sound pretty put together, what with no way to trace it back to them and whatnot. Clearly, it was someone on the inside--"

"Obviously," Lucky huffed, then dropped her hands from her face, "Just... makes you wonder how inside they really were."

FOREVER, PRETTY BOY → leon kennedy ✔Where stories live. Discover now