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blown up.


For two people who had never stepped foot in the country, navigating around China sounded like a near impossible feat, obviously.

It might've been, if Lucky hadn't gotten infected and died that one time... if she didn't have her heightened senses, they might've never been able to find and follow Shen Mei after she left the safehouse.

By the time the sun went down, they'd arrived at a large estate. One guard was posted outside, and he could hardly be called a guard.

"Guess she wasn't really expecting company." Leon whispered and Lucky grinned, bumping his arm.

"Let's go surprise her, then."

"Great idea, but what about mister guy there? Hostage, or do we just knock him out?"

Lucky shrugged. "Huge manor? They'll definitely find us before we find them. So... he takes us right up to the bitch herself."

Leon's face lit up with a smile. "Let's go."

Lucky was the distraction, walking right down the front. The guard saw her and she stopped, pretending to be startled.


"What are you doing here?" He spat, hostile. When she recognized his words, relief washed over her. She didn't really speak or understand Mandarin, and wasn't sure how she'd keep his attention if they couldn't communicate.

She glanced behind herself, looking worried. "I was looking for a building and... and I think I took a wrong turn--"

"You're claiming to be a tourist? Dressed like that?"

Lucky paused, looking down at her clothes. She'd left her vest and weapons with Leon, knowing those were a dead giveaway, but the rest of her outfit gave nothing away. So she shrugged. "It's fashion."


"Yeah! People like to dress up with big heavy boots and combat pants all the time, it's an aesthetic."

His expression told her she was crazy, but Lucky knew she looked great.

"Whatever, you can't be here." He huffed and Lucky looked around again, blinking.

"Oh! This is... oh this... I shouldn't be here." She mumbled, suddenly concerned. The guard opened his mouth to respond, when his weapon was suddenly on the ground and his arms were pinned behind his back.

Leon nodded to Lucky, who smiled.

"Great. Lead us to Shen Mei--"

"Never!" He snapped, and Lucky rolled her eyes.

"We know she's in there, so either we kill you and go find her anyway... or you lead us to her. We don't plan on harming her, we just wanna talk."

As it goes in most circumstances, death wasn't the preferred option and the guard led the pair through the estate, still held by Leon. Eventually, they made it to a room where a slow, steady beeping was coming from.

FOREVER, PRETTY BOY → leon kennedy ✔Where stories live. Discover now