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trying to save me.


"Tell me about Raccoon City."

Somehow, Lucky had made it back to the cafeteria. She could only remember leaving, then being in the hallway... then it all went dark. With no pain anywhere, she doubted she'd been knocked out.

Her best guess was that she made herself pass out, what with the panic and hyperventilation due to her claustrophobia.

Lucky was conscious now, but she stayed still and silent as she listened to the voices with her. Jason had been the first to speak.

A sigh. "That was genuinely hell. I... I've never experienced anything so horrifying." Leon. Lucky bit her lip, imagining the terrifying images running through his mind. She knew better than most because, well, she was there with him.

The air around the group changed as silence followed, and Lucky had a moment to focus on herself. She was leaning on the table, her head buried in her arms, and a coat was draped over her shoulders. When she took a breath, the smell was familiar.

Like... home.

"Sometimes, I see it as the worst night of my life. But... but I met Lucky that night. She was an FBI agent sent to retrieve survivors... their helicopter crashed into the side of the police building I was in. I guess... I guess I saved her life, but it was always the other way around. I doubt I could have survived any of that without her. I fought harder knowing I could make it out with her," Leon's voice was heavy with emotion, "It... it eventually wasn't the worst day of my life. At some point, that night just... became the night I met the love of my life."

Jason shifted in his chair. "Damn, sounds like one hell of a night."

Leon's laugh was tense. "Yeah, it was just one thing after another. Turns out, Lucky got infected. She..." Lucky swallowed the tightness in her throat as he paused, "She died that night, and I had the greatest gift ever when she came back to life. We got out when so many people were killed... and when so many were disintegrated in that missile strike. All those lives, and I got to make it out with her."

Lucky felt like she was about to explode, but somehow managed to keep herself together. The boys' conversation continued, but she couldn't focus on a word they were saying.

She had spent two years trying to hate Leon, and had almost convinced herself before he showed up and made it all for naught... because how could she hate him when he truly thought he was protecting her?

Suddenly, an alarm blared above their heads and Lucky jumped. She sat up, blinking to adjust to the bright lights, and saw Jason run out of the room. Leon stood beside her, frowning.

"We should head to the engine room, see what's going on."

Lucky only nodded in response, following as he left the room. They ran through the halls of flickering lights, preparing themselves for what they'd find. The pair had done this... what felt like a thousand times before, but it never got easier.

They rounded a corner and Leon stopped suddenly, making Lucky crash into him.

"What the--"

FOREVER, PRETTY BOY → leon kennedy ✔Where stories live. Discover now