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near death.


Hurtling through the deep blue in an even smaller underwater ship was definitely something Lucky could put on her "Never Again" list, right next to nearly being eaten by zombie rats and nearly becoming one of the flesh-craving monsters. Yep, it was comparable to that.

The ravenette sat on the provided seats, curled over her knees as she counted each and every breath with Leon. He had a wet rag, as they didn't have the luxury of a freezer anymore, and was trying very hard to keep the girl from imploding.

"Almost there." Shen Mei spoke up, the first words anyone had said for a very long time. The air was tense, everything sucked.

Jason and Shen Mei were seemingly working together, had been the whole time. They were planning to out the man responsible for everything-- the Secretary of Defense. That seemed reasonable, but they had sacrificed a submarine full of innocents to make their plan work.

That's where Lucky and Leon were having troubles agreeing with them.

"How ya holding up, Davey?" Jason's voice boomed in the small space, and Lucky's choice of response was lifting her middle finger towards the man. Leon pat her back, trying to fight off his grin.

Silence followed, and the backup pod began to slow as the reached the land. China, Lucky lifted her head, I've never been here before...

Something told her this wasn't going to be a good vacation.


The safehouse was a short walk from where they'd arrived, and it avoided the chance of running into any civilians.

It was, well... what you'd expect from a place that you wanted to blend in. It was slightly dingy and smelled of old wood, but Lucky didn't hate it. As they ascended to the room, Lucky almost felt safe.

Eventually, Jason and Shen Mei stopped and unlocked a door, leading the way inside. Jason took no time getting comfortable, collecting an ashtray and fishing a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He flopped on the couch, kicking up probably years of dust, and motioned for Lucky and Leon to sit. Leon did, but she did not.

Lucky instead moved to the dining table and dropped her bag on the surface.

"Back in Penamstan, we encountered something... inhuman. Later, I discovered that they're called bioweapons, or B.O.W'S. You two were some of the first to witness this shit, and some of the few to survive. This virus was created independently from Umbrella, it seems, and Wilson is the asshole keeping the shit going."

Lucky unzipped the bag as he spoke, revealing the items she hadn't thought she'd need in the submarine. First, she pulled out her tactical vest, with FBI scrawled across in big white letters. She smiled, remembering the night she met Leon, and how he'd had a vest much like hers. Of course, his was RPD instead. Her eyes drifted to the man on the couch beside her, listening intently to what Jason was saying.

It's been a long time since he was that fresh rookie cop, come to Raccoon City for his first day. The nostalgia was almost overwhelming, and Lucky decided to stop that train of thought before she got emotional.

FOREVER, PRETTY BOY → leon kennedy ✔Where stories live. Discover now