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Tanjirou's POV:

I was already on campus that morning, the cool breeze settled upon the school grounds as it gave shivers up mmy spine. I haven't slept much last night, ever since what happened yesterday.

" I really do love you Tanjirou.."

Kanao's words replayed over my head, hunting me. I already knew she liked me, but.. I'm not sure I'm interested in her, or in girls in general. I actually don't know if I even like guys now that I think about it.
And about guys, there was Inosuke. A literal god of beauty, I'm so dumb to have fallen head over heels for him and I thought I learned my lesson with the last guy I gave to many chances with.

But still, he won't leave my head either, it's not has bad as Kanao but it sure is painful.

I walked inside my homeroom class, it was empty as usual but there are a few students chatting.
I tapped my foot out of habit as I still thought of an answer

"I'm sorry, I'm still discovering things"


"Sorry but-" no these words can come off as too harsh. Knowing her she's already been through a lot.

Until then, I should have my final answer before school ends.

Kanao's POV:

I was already running late, I'm never usually late but I knew today wouldn't be good.

Shinobu has been having trouble latley with court, I might be expecting somone new to come live us now ever since she tried gaining custody of this person.

Douma, a tall "gentleman" use to be a friend of ours, before the incident. Now he's apprently a "step father" of this orphan boy. I don't know who but his mother has been in a relationship with him before she died from a coma. And a few weeks after her death her son has gone missing, but he was found and is now being a debate on who gets to be his new guardian.

And Shinobu won't give up until she saves him from that guy. I wish I could meet him at least, so I can know who I'm going to live with. I never liked strangers, they come off as scary and intimidating.

" alright we're here " Shinobu says in her calm manner, she already graduated from the school, knowing her she would stick around much longer to say hello. And most likely bother the poor gym teacher, Mr. Tomoika.

" I won't be able to pick you up early so you'll have to stay after school"

I nod, giving my usual smile as I walk off. The bell hasn't rung yet which relieved me but I still paced to my homeroom. That's until I saw him..

Tanjirou, I don't know how many times I confested to him. I know his answer now.


And I'm not surprised, ever since the new kid showed up he's been head over heels for him, and I envy Inosuke for that. All my time here I tried to hard to get Tanjiro's attention and failed, then this dude shows up and all of a sudden he's all Tanjirou sees.
I should have figured, Tanjirou could be into guys more. But I'm tried of him hiding it from me, don't get me wrong he's a sweet young man but I really don't want to play this stupid game anymore, at this point I lost feelings a long time ago. Yet I still end up at the start.

I placed my head on the table, the bell finally ringing. Zenistu sits next to me and wonders.

" Did you get rejected again?" He questions, I'm surprised he knows.

" No, but I know the answer" he chuckled, still kinda bummed out. " have you noticed how he acts twords Inosuke" I turned twords him.

" I have, that's why we tease him" he winked, from the outside it seems like he bully Tanjirou, but the groups knows well that it'll take more then that to hurt him, and with the teasing we actually don't really mean it. It's all fun and games at this point.

" what does he see in him that he doesn't in me.." I looked down.

" guess he's gay " Zenistu shrugs " but eh, there's plenty of other guys out there dying to be with you"

" don't you think about it Zen" I scolded him, knowing how heart felt he is about girls.

" Nah, I got my heart set on Nezuko! She's sweet and adorable and I just wanna- protect her y'know?" He gives his sheepish smile. "But enough about me, You need to move on, And if he comes running to you, show him who's boss!"

I chuckled again, " you're right, I'm done chasing him around".

As time skipped by it was finally Lunch.
And there I was..

Tanjirou had told me to meet up with him, he looks down knowing well he can't look at me and the eye.

" Kanao.. I"

"I know " I sighed " It's a no, and that's okay, I should have read your signs anyways"

"I'm sorry" He gave a gentle tone, furring his brows as he finally eyed me.

" Well, let's go to the bench. Sure somone is waiting for you " I smiled

" Is it obvious.." He sighs, walking next to me as he heads twords our usual spot.

" a lot, but don't give off mixed signals next time" I elbowed him playfully.

" again I'm sorry- I really didn't know how to tell you "

" that's alright" I smiled, finally at peace.

To be continued

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