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Tanjirou led Inosuke inside the classroom, His smile would "shine" brightly, bringing students up for joy, He was like the sun. Shining brightly as he brings such a kind song to everyone around him. Inosuke however.. was a beast, one that can't be tamed. And due to this he attempted to bite Tanjirou's arm but did succeed in him letting go.

''Inosuke? What was that for?'' Tanjirou questions his actions, confused

''I don't like being touched '' Inosuke growls, furrowing his eyebrows

''I'm sorry! I didn't know!'' Tanjirou bows as he apologizes to the wild man. The bell rings and hurries over to his desk, Inosuke getting directions from Giyuu, sitting in front of the classroom so Giyuu could supervise him. Tanjirou looks out the window as he Giyuu calls for role. his thoughts trace him far from reality.

''Here!'' Tanjirou calls, raising his hand in the process, Giyuu on the other hand would mark his name down. Once the role-call was done Giyuu placed his binder down.

''Has you know, today we have a new student with us'' He says as he motions Inosuke to come up in front of class, Inosuke, confused but did so anyway. '' He's not accustomed to social life so it'd be great if you go easy on him, Now that's out of the way, I want everyone to grab their books and read'' Giyuu says as Inosuke sits down at his desk. Tanjirou would bring out his book but would notice Inosuke not having one, instead, the wild man glared outside the window. Not follow directions from Giyuu. On the surprising note, Giyuu isn't doing anything. Tanjirou thought for a moment, but he shrugged it off as he was more concerned on his academics. Hours pass by, the bell rings and everyone heads to their first period of the day. Tanjirou walks out with Inosuke in front of him, he catches up.

''Hey, Inosuke! What period do you have next?'' Tanjirou asks.

''I don't know, and I don't care'' Inosuke shrugs as he walks away

''Hey wait! What do you mean? Do you have your paper sheet with you?'' Tanjirou asks, looking around him.

''Here'' Inosuke pulls out a crumpled yellow paper, Tanjirou figured that's what it was, He takes the paper and folds it out. '' Oh, you have most of my classes Inosuke! Aren't I lucky?'' He smiles '' Then we can get to know each other more! Come, we need to get to History!'' He drags Inosuke again, His face all puzzled as he was dragged again by the kind boy.

Classes went by, Lunch as started already, Zenistu heads to their usual spot, meeting up with the girls.

"Hey where's Tanjirou?" Kanao asks Zenistu, desperately looking for him.

"No clue Kan.. Maybe he got held back?" Zensitu scratches behind his head.

"I'M HERE!" Tanjirou crashes twords his friend, Zenistu shrieks in the process.

"Where were you?" Aoi asks.

"I was at Uzui's class sorry.. He held us back again. But! Look who I brought!" Tanjirou pulls Inosuke, the wild man standing there awkwardly "This is Inosuke! Hope you guys don't mind him sitting with us today-" Tanjirou sighs as he stares at his friends.

"Yeah! Inosuke is always welcomed!" Aoi smiles, it's rare though-

Tanjirou smiles, leading Inosuke a place to sit. He sits down next to the Kamado, still a bit puzzled.

"Sorry about Tan, he's a bit much when it comes to new kids" Kanao sighs. Inosuke just shrugs it off and looks down at the food, he noticed the tempera on Zenistu plate and snatches it, stuffing his face. His eyes sparkled as he tried to snatch more, having Zenistu slapping his hand.

"Hey! That's my food!" Zenis Ryu frowns as the others chuckled.

"It's fine Zen, I'll share with you!" Tanjirou offers his food twords Zenistu, "My hero!" Zenistu squeals as he takes the offered food.

As Lunch went by, School ends and everyone leaves their classes, Tanjirou and the others walk over, he notices Inosuke.

"Hey Inosuke! Want to walk with us? We can walk you home?" He offers kindly

"I can walk myself!" Inosuke pouts. "Besides! I'm strong enough to take care of myself!" He puffs his chest in pride.

Tanjirou sighs walking twords him, leaving the others to wait. "You are strong! But we're friends right? Isn't better to walk with someone so you wouldn't be alone?"

"Friends..?" Inosuke tilts his head, he scratches his chin, confused on the statement.

"Do you know what friends mean?" Tanjirou asked, concerned .

"Of course I do! I know everything Kentaro!" He puffs up again.

"It's Tan-Ji-ro! And are you sure you don't want to walk with us-"

"Fine!" He slaps his back and runs twords the group, Tanjirou rubs his back as it stinged. The began walking, chatting with one another, But Inosuke in the other hand just kept silent, unsure about the strange affection he's getting,

After most of everyone was dropped off, Tanjirou began walking the other direction, leaving Inosuke confused again.

"Didn't you say you lived over there?" Inosuke points
"I need to pick up my sister" Tanjirou smiles. "She's waiting for me"

Inosuke stops, there was a large building next to them, it was two stories high. Somewhat like a hotel.

"That's the local orphanage, Have you heard of one?" Tanjirou asks

"Yeah I have, Well cya Kentaro!" Inosuke walked up the steps, knocking on the door.

"Wait Inosuke! You can't just-"

A old lady opens the door, greeting Inosuke. He walks in, waving back at Tanjirou.

Tanjirou stood there, finally understanding a few things, he waves back but was concerned once again. Unsure of the situation that was going through his head. He walks off, receiving a phone call...

Walking off as he picked his phone up.

To be continued...

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