- Chapter Four -

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"Olivia we have to go!" I yell from the living room

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"Olivia we have to go!" I yell from the living room. 

It's Monday morning at 7:45 am, me and Liv have history at 8 am, leaving us fifteen minutes to get there. I've been up for around twenty minutes. I could try to lie and say I've put in the effort, but let's be real, I haven't. Let's just say the weather at this time of the year isn't my favorite.

It's February 1st which meant the weather during the mornings wasn't the best but towards midday it was warm. And then gets slightly cooler in the evening but still hitting around the sixty mark which is not fun. The weather is as bipolar as Lizzie.

So I've opted for comfort over style, I'm dressed in an oversized hoodie and biker shorts underneath. The hoodie reaches my knees, I get it I'm small. My hair is thrown up into a ponytail. I have my bag on my back but you know how girls are, we have no pockets so we're used to holding every essential in our hands. On my right, I have my phone and keys, and on my left, I have my glasses case for when I need to read text up close and a Starbucks coffee which Em got for me five minutes ago.

Em doesn't need to be awake however she's super into the gym. She goes at 7 am every morning but only does half an hour sessions on Mondays though, which works out for me and Liv because she brings us back coffees just before we head out which we're very grateful for.

"Liv, it's 7:50 we need to go!" I shout and Liv rushes out of her room looking amazing. She's wearing a plain black crop and high waisted black jeans with butterfly prints on and leather boots. "You are aware that it's cold outside, right?" I question.

"I know that's why I'm grabbing my leather jacket, stop judging." She smiles at me. Liv claims I have a 'judgmental face', personally I don't see it.

"Right, come on, it'll take five minutes."

"Bye bitches!" Liv yells, wishing that she woke up Lizzie.

"Love you!" Em shouts from the shower.

Five minutes later and we've just walked into our history lecture, taking our normal seats towards the back sitting right at the end so therefore I wouldn't have to sit next to anyone

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Five minutes later and we've just walked into our history lecture, taking our normal seats towards the back sitting right at the end so therefore I wouldn't have to sit next to anyone.

Playing The Risk - Book One in The WSU SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now