Chapter 12

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"I got it!" I shouted and tripped Hope so she couldn't get infront of me. Then, I sprinted to get the door. This time I was careful when I opened the door so I wouldn't get knocked in the head. Ha! Now that I think about it.... Jason knocked me up! Hahaha! 

I was still laughing when I opened the door to see a tall man infront of me. "Hello? Can I help you?"

"Umm, I was looking for Hope? She, well her friend, invited me over to supper... Is this the right place?"

"Oh, so your Alex? Yeah she's here." I said and made no move to let him in.

"Cool." We both stood still and it was an awkward atmospere. "Um, I hate to be rude, but, uh , may I come in?" He said after a bit.

I smiled. "Of course! You passed test one. Your very polite." I complement him and let him in. He let out a sigh of relief.

"If you don't mind me asking, how many "tests" are there going to be? Not that I mind, I just really don't want to mess this up." He asked nervously. Truth evident in his eyes.

"Oh hun, I never stop testing people. There's a reason there are only three people in my life that actually want to stay around and I want to stay around. Wait.... Dimetri!"


"You like me right? Like, don't care that I'm part of your life?"

"Uhh yeah?  I don't care. Your Christine's friend, and we live in the same house, so I guess I probably wouldn't be here without your approval. Is that what your asking?"

"Yeah, sure, good enough." I yelled back. Then turned to Alex, "That's another thing, if I didn't like you, I would somehow convince her to not date you. But you don't have to worry, I've only kicked out one guy from this house because I found out he was cheating on one of my girls. So pretty much, be respectful to me, I'll be respectful to you. Don't cheat on Hope, I won't break your face. Understood?"

With wide eyes, he nodded his head fast. "Good. I just want to let you know the rules here. One, stay faithful to your girl. Two, Respect the others in this house. Three, any being rude to me will not be tolerated. Four, don't do anything that will make me want to punch you in the face. And five, do anything to hurt her, I want you to know I have guns in my basement.... and the walls are soundproof. So are we at an understanding?"

Alex swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded again. "Then we should get along great then, right?" 

He was going to nod again so I said harshly, "Iknow your not mute, boy. Use your words!"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Good, now follow me." When I seen the look of terror on his face I added "to the living room so I can prepare the last little bit of supper." He nodded and followed in suit.


We were all sitting at the table. Every one sat at they're usual spots. Me at the head of the table with Dimetri at the other end. Christine sitting to his right. Hope is sitting to his left and Alex is sitting between her and I.... Well, Alex insnt usually here, but you get the picture.

"So Axel," I started and seen he clenched his fist and looked at me annoyedly. He looked like he was holding back what he wanted to say. I smiled at the thought. "How many girlfriends have you had?"

The sounds of silverware dropping onto plates and tables filled the room along with choking and coughing  from Hope.

"Scotty!" She exclaimed, eyes wide.

I didn't respond to her. "So?" I proded.

Alex cleared his throat, glanced around the table, and began. "Well, truth be told, I've had six.... since high school." I looked at him blankly, as to not give anything away.

"And how old are you know?" He looked surprised at my question, probably thinking I was going to ask why that  many. Or what drove them away. Nope! I am very unpredictable at times, but i think this is very reasonable.

"26, ma'am." Chuckles were heard around the table.

"Boy, no need to call me ma'am. Call me Scotty." I told him.

"Boy? He's older than you!" Dimetri shouted accross the table.

"What? I thought you were 26 or 27?" Alex said all of a sudden.

"Excuse me?" He shut his mouth all of a sudden, thinking he offened me. I laughed at him instead. "Dude, I'm just yanking your chain. And I'm 24, thank you very much." Alex's eyes were as wide as saucers.

"I-I-I-'m s-s-sor-rry?"

"I'm 24. It's not that hard to believe, its only 2-3 years difference than what you thought."

"Umm...." Alex said, fidgeting in his seat.

"...What?" I said suspiciously.

"I was actually trying to be nice before... You look about 30 or 32..."


Hahaha I'm going to leave off here!!! lol I know I'm lame, shut up. Especially you Helen, don't judge me. lol jk it's too late for you to do that.

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