Chapter Two

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Hearing sirens in the distance, I woke up from a groggy sleep. My face hurt! I was stiff. What the hell happened last night? I opened my sore eyes to see a I was in a bedroom. It wasn't mine and it wasn't Christine's, fact was, I didn't recognize it at all. Sitting up and stretching, I heard the door in the corner rattle. My first thought when I saw it, was that it was a bathroom. But when it was opened, I saw it lead to the hall. A tall, handsome man strode in and saw me sitting on the bed. Without asking, he came and sat on the piece of furniture with me.

With his facial features, he had freckles, a normal nose, and sea green eyes. Tall.He was wearing jeans, cowboy boots, and an old, worn out green tee. The tee shirt accented his eyes and made them pop. I would be lying if I had said he couldn't ever pass for a modern day cowboy. (Nor the best looking guy in the universe.)

"Umm this is awkward... whatever happened last night, it was a mistake. I drank to much, I was getting over a recent ex.... I'm sorry, I should just be going..." I said while getting up and heading towards the door. Thinking about what happened last night, I stumbled upon the idea I would need my purse. I paused right outside of his room to turn back, when he said with a chuckle "Well don't you want your stuff?"

 "I was just about to grab that...That's kinda why I stopped...Um, where is it?" I asked, walking back into the room.

He was blushing bright red and hung his head, pointing to the window seat near the bed. On it, I saw not only my camouflage/lime green purse, but a set of woman's underwear and a small black dress. While walking over to grab my purse and walk away, I realized those were the clothing items I chose last night. In panic, I looked down immediately. I was in a man's sweatshirt. It went down to my knees, so I was covered in that department. But it went down a little more than I would like in the situation I'm in.

I heard the guy get up off the bed. Turning around, I found out he was walking out of the room.

"Where'ya goin'?" I asked hurriedly, not wanting to be left alone in the guys room.

He turned around, still blushing, maybe even a little more than before. The mystery man reached up and scratched the back of his neck. "I was, uh, heading out of the room so you could, um, you know... get dressed?" He stated it like it was a question.

This time it was my turn to blush. "Oh, yeah..." then, turning around and muttering under my breath to my self, "why do I have to be such a blonde in front of a cute guy!"

"If that's your way of calling yourself stupid, I just want to let you know, you have a great taste in men even when your having black outs every five seconds. Also, when you get done getting dressed, I'll be right out here." He said, pointing behind him with his thumb. Still wearing that damn blush.

I quickly and quietly turned around and thought, "Now, where am I and how can I escape?"

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