Chapter One

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In my favorite bar, I was listening to Just One More Drinking Song by Jerrod Niemann, when this guy walked up to me. Don't get me wrong, he was handsome. Just not my type. This guy was a snooty, big ego, rich (looked like it anyway), and just thought I was pretty and wanted in my pants. Even though I was just looking for a one night hook up, I wanted something... classy. So I don't regret everything in the morning.

"Hey...  Your looking pretty tonight.." he said, pausing to hold out his hand, palm up. With a mischievous grin, finishing with a wink, he asked "... would you like to dance?"

I tilted my head to look up at him with a glare and stated "Sooo not interested." Turning and about to walk the opposite direction, he grabbed my shoulder, and pushed me up against the wall. With my back to it, I shot daggers with my eyes up at him while he clutched the front of my blouse. "Usually when someone asks politely for a dance... you say yes." He hissed at me in a whisper/shout. His breath reeked of alcohol.

"I guess I'm not that drunk yet" I retorted.

"Well, let me buy you a drink, then."

"No thank you. I'm the designated driver."

"Haha, funny. I saw you pull in bout five minutes ago... you were alone. Unless you are here to pick some friends up, but I doubt that's the case. I also doubt you would show up at a bar, by your self, not expecting any one to come, and not get drunk." He figured.

Shit, he saw me. What to do.... what to do! Without second passing, I passed it off like it was nothing by saying "Who told you I wasn't meeting anyone... hmm? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Who knows? Oh! That's right! Not you."

"That's enough talk from you, little lady." He stated before covering my mouth with his. I was so surprised he did this, I gasped, giving him a chance to stick his tongue into my mouth. He held my head firmly with both of his hands so I couldn't turn to get away. Clawing at his thin arms with my long nails and slapping and punching at him but this only made him hold tighter to me. Then a thought crossed my mind and I didn't think twice about it.

Just as I was about to knee him in his happy place, he backed his head up because of someone was wanting his attention. I took that opportunity to punch him in the gut. The guy that basically attacked me, recovered after a moment and punched me in the face before turning to see who was directing his attention.

"What do you wan-" he started to complain, but he was immediately on the ground, getting the living shit beat out of him. I would tell you what happened next, but I don't know myself. That's because I passed out there on the bar floor.

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