Chapter Four

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Hey guys! It's Ray! Just wantede to let you know I love you guys and that this chapter is slightly longer than the others. Please vote, comment, and tell your friends! Thats all folks ;) 


I breathed heavily. He was looking at me like I was the devil. I probably was, but then again, he and his friends were chasing after me when I tried to leave. It was a one night stand, the whole point was to never see each other again. But he jumped in the back of my tru-

"What the hell!" he yelled at me, making me jump.

"You scared me!"

"So you hit me across my thigh with a metal bat?!?! Oh! And stomp on my stomach?!?!?!" he coughed, followed by a groan.

"I think you busted my appendix." he groaned again.

"Hey out of my defence, I woke up at a strange place, was chased down by three GIANT guys and a normal sized one. But on top of that, I had a random-creeper hop into the bed of my truck, for what? A joy ride?"

"Well, when you put it like that... K, look I am really sorry, ok? You looked really scared this morning I was kind of worried. Plus after that guy jacked ya last night, you blacked out. My Brothers and I took ya to the hospital and they said to not worry and that you'd be fine. That, we should let you sleep it off but keep a close eye on you. And.. and when you woke, if EVERYTHING wasn't perfect, we were going to take you back and get you checked out."

"We were gonna give you to a friend and tell her what the doctor told us but we diodn't know who your friends were. It didn't help that you rarely, if ever, go to that bar, so no one knew you from there.  And-and, we couldn't just leave you at the bar with anyone, so... yeah... you slept in my room and I slept on the couch." He explained.

I was quiet for a long time. Then it hit me...  " If that stories correct, then why did I wake up naked in someone else's sweatshirt? Huh?"

 "Uh...Umm.. Haha, funny story actually... Haha..." The mystery man/ so called savior then reached up and scratched the back of his neck. Ladies, if you ever see this, this-this is the universal signal of a man that says he's nervous, uncomfortable, or uncertain. And, let me tell you, it's adorable. 

I started to smirk at him, the guy caught this and blushed bright red, deeper than I thought possible. 

 "Yeah, sorry 'bout that... (clears throat)... You kinda puked all over your dress and blacked out, this was when we were at the hospital. The nurse took that off of you and then you surfaced again and... threw up again... so yeah... Jason gave her his sweatshirt to put on you... so.. yeah."

Now it was my turn to go crimson. He was helping me when no one else was and I treated him like crap.

"Shi-Shoot! Shoot!" then I pointed to him "You heard shoot!"

"...Ok... So does this mystery man sitting in front of me have a name?" I sat down infront of him, careful with the dress I had on. I was in a bar, I wanted a hook up, I wore a tiny, slim-fitting, black booty dress. Sue me.

He blushed and looked away when i slipped and accidentally flashed him... Ooopies! Still not looking at me, he muttered "Jackson Antonio."

"What? Did you just say 'black son in tokyo' ?"

"What? No! It was Jackson Antonio! Thats my name." Jackson said with a chuckle.

"Oh, oops! Haha, I should call you 'My Black Son' now! Or tokyo. Nah, your my balck son now." I said, grin spread across my face.

"Weirdo. So wha-"

"Wow! Save me from some guy at a bar and call me a weirdo. You're nice." I replied

 Jackson ignored my comment by saying, "Any way, whats your name?"

I smiled sweetly and said " Harry Potter."

"What? Is that your real name?" Jason inquired.

" Nope, sorry, it's Jason Aldean."

"Seriously, what's your real name?"

"Taylor Swift."

"Really... Grow up. Please, what's your name?"  he was getting annoyed real fast.


And it went on... and on... and on... and on.


"Ok, I'll tell you, but after we get in the truck." I suddenly said. What? I was running out of fake names.

"What? Why in the truck? Are you gonna rape me? Maybe, take me out to no where and murder me? Is that why you haven't told me your name? Oh god! I am too young to die!" He 'fake' panicked, but he got up any way.

 A) I am not going to rape you. BTW, who would want to rape you? God!
B) If you hadn't noticed, we are in the middle of no where." He starts looking around to comfirm what I said. "And God knows how many germs are on you, so I wouldn't even touch you to kick you in a hole that I dug."
"C) I haven't told you my name because I don't trust you. So if I told you my name, you could try to hunt me down and kil me, rape me, tell my friends I went on vacation but really you're kidnapping me, or so many other stupid things I can't think of right now. " 
D) I also haven't told you my name because my friend is paranoid and makes sure I can protect myself. Hence the bat, gun, pepperspray and self defence classes."

"you have a gun?!" He exclamed, wide eyed.

"I do, but it's in my purse. Another reason we have to go back to your place." I clamed calmly.

"Oh, not that you're practically kidnapping me and are holding me hostage?" Jackson said, still wide eyed, but now sarcastic.

"Nope! Now, if you would be a gentleman, either look away, or help me up so I don't flash you again. Please."

 He blushed and said while looking away, "Even if I help you, in that dress, your lucky I saw only what I saw. How is it even legal to have that short of a dress?"

"I don't know! But I can say it got me out of going to jail because of drunk driving, a few parking tickets, and paying for count less taxi's in New York." I said while getting up. "There. You can look now. Better yet, get into the truck and lets get going."

___*In the truck*___

"So... What's your name?"

"Huh? Oh! My name? Oh, don't worry 'bout that." I said.

"What? You said you'd tell me when we're in the truck." Jackson clamed, confused.

"Noooo. I said "after" we get into the truck."

"What's the difference?" Impatiant, impatiant.

"If I said when, then I'd have to tell you when we are inside the truck. BUT. Key word here, but, I said after. After as in any time after we got into the truck. No promises when. I could tell you now or in a few days. Or in a few weeks. Or when your turn 100. Or I could whisper it to your dead boy. It just means that I have to tell you eventually." Loophole! Cha-ching!

"Wha-" he started.

"Oh, look! We're Here!" I said in a cheery voice. "Let's go!"

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