20. Unity

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Back in the Oval Office, as I stare at the vending machine filled with chocolate Lowe had installed- the desk phone, his desk phone rings.

I spin the chair around, the decide against it and turn back. Looking at his family makes me feel an overwhelming sense of guilt- because I wasn't supposed to survive. I try to picture what they would have done If literally all of us died: would they have looked at the line of succession from the previous presidencies and gone from there, throwing it at some poor retired man or woman? Would they have thrown it at a Supreme Court justice- oh wait they're all dead.


I slam my hand on the desk. It distracts me only for a second before I remember I have a job to do, like it or not.

So I pick up the phone.

"Madam President- Fred Rogers is on the line for you."

My blood runs cold. What could that motherfucker possibly want?

Our campaigns were not civil ones. We both put out slander ad after slander ad targeting the other. His focused on me having no experience, while mine highlighted the xenophobic things he's said and done. If I had the chance to go back I would have gone about it in a much classier way, because I'm 100% sure some media intern somewhere is attempting to dig up dirt on me so they get a promotion.

I think about telling him to fuck off, but I take several deep breaths and decide against it. The leader of the free world should be level headed, right? Even with her strongest enemies, she must show that she is better than them in a dignified way.

"Put him through." I clear my throat, glaring at the wall like it's the congressman and I'm attempting to explode his head.

Not even five seconds later, his nails on a chalkboard voice pierces through my eardrums.

"Madam President, how are you doing?"

"Cut the shit Fred. What do you want?" I grit my teeth. Welp, so much for a classy approach.

"To offer my help, Madam President."

"Yeah, sure. What's in it for you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Melissa told me all about your little game. You don't help anybody unless it benefits you, whether that's now or later. So I'll ask again: what's in it for you? The Vice Presidency? A Cabinet position?"

"That's really not why I called. I want an in person meeting. No cameras, no mics. Just us."

"Go to hell Fred." I slam the phone back on its holder, cutting him off. That man is going to give me a stroke at 36. I can just feel it.

  Then before I have the time to stew in my anger any longer, there's a knock on the office door and Carlos lets himself in.

  "What?" I rub my temples, the headache still there.

  "All fifty governors have already sent us there potential senate nominees and are ready to make it official as soon as they get the all clear from you and the confirmation that the previous seat holder is dead. All of the nominees have already agreed.... Too. It's really quite incredible. You've already done an amazing job at uniting an rebuilding this country."

  "That's it?" I ask. "Jesus, I thought rebuilding the government would be more difficult than this."

  "Well under normal circumstances it would be but......"

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