94. Belarus

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3 months ago

  "Mhmn - that's not half bad." I say, coughing. "It's a lot stronger than what we have in the U.S."

"You know-" President Aleksandr laughs. "In my culture it is actually an insult to pretend to like something. We value honesty."

  "Okay then- to be fair vodka tastes like shit in every country." A few reporters that are here to capture our first in person meeting laugh. He joins in. It's a nice break from the tension surrounding this trip, but we both understand we can't smile forever. The agenda is so vast, so all-encompassing we wouldn't be able to get to everything if it weren't for our amazing teams. I set my shot glass down next to his gift. I wanted to bring something small too, but Melissa said he would take it as a personal insult since I'm his guest- despite the culture his country has around not showing up empty handed.

"Indeed it does-" he nods. "But it gets me drunk faster than anything else."

"Speaking of being drunk- your alcohol exports are doing phenomenal lately. America would like to get in on that trade deal- and the one you have with China on petroleum."

"Interesting-" he sits back. "So a three way of sorts?"

God I hope Walter has the common sense to keep the jokes to himself until the cameras leave. I can already feel the internet making memes.

"Essentially. We'd get a bigger cut out of our already running electronics deal with them, then the alcohol and petroleum from you- and we'd match both with an equal value in vehicles... or a trade of your choosing."

"Sounds enticing-" he says. "But Belarus is not hurting for vehicles or electronics and our projected population increase is not high enough to justify making a deal fifteen to twenty years in advance of our children becoming adults. You would know that had you done your research."

"Mr.President, I assure you I have. Sure, if you're only scratching the surface you may not think you need to prepare for that increase now but if you had really looked at your country's thousand-page census report you would have seen that younger people are having as many babies as their ancestors did three hundred years ago. The abortion ban you signed off on-"

"I am not here to debate culture with you." He knocks back another shot like it's water. "There are things our countries will never see eye to eye on and I am okay with that- if you are."

"You know what-" I force myself to lower my voice so my nose doesn't start bleeding again like it did when I was boarding Air Force one. "No. It's not. This is not a cultural issue, Mr.President this is basic women's rights. Belarus is not a third- or even a second world country. There is no excuse for the way you've treated women since ascending your position. There is no excuse for why women are being turned away from the two clinics still operating after being told the fetus in question would only live a few painful hours, or that their own life would be in danger if they went through with the pregnancy-or simply because they don't want to be pregnant, because you seem to have forgotten that is a perfectly valid reason for termination. Mr.President- you have said countless times you want to be a face of change and diplomacy. So far I haven't seen either of those things. You seem to be exactly like your predecessor."

I briefly register how silent the room's become, like the reporters have stopped breathing. President Aleksandr opens his mouth to say something multiple times, but decides against all of them.

Damnit. I really could've worded that differently.

"Mr.President...." I clear my throat, side eyeing Walter- whose standing just a few feet away from the press. "The WHO is prepared to offer full assistance in opening twenty three reproductive health clinics across your country, along with full membership-"

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