45. State Of The Union

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January 20th,2022
One year into the presidency of Tanya Elizabeth Clark

    "My fellow Americans, it has been one hell of a year. First, the senate had the astronomical task of confirming fifteen cabinet secretaries,  my Vice President, and nine Supreme Court justices. Nobody thought they'd be able to do it as quickly as they did, completing the last hearing just two months after the first and before the full results for the special house elections had even come in. They too, had astronomically large tasks ahead of them. For five months while the capital building was being rebuilt they worked and held legislative sessions solely out of the Supreme Court, their office buildings and hotel rooms. When security precautions relaxed and they were allowed to travel between here and their homes after being given a salary budget to hire personal bodyguards, their efforts did not let up. None of them have stopped or slowed down even once since they were elected and they have all sacrificed so much of their personal lives in service of this country. If I had the allotted time in this address, I would thank each of them by name- but I don't, so I'll settle for a general one. Without the late nights we would not be where we are today on the anniversary of what my spawn did- better and stronger than before. The death sentence the judge set for her- to be carried out on the two year anniversary, will be the shortest amount of time anybody has been on death row in recent history because what she did and her intentions were  so undeniably clear. I made a promise in the very beginning to complete this presidency with absolute honesty, regardless of how it reflects upon me. Today, In the interest of keeping that promise, I am announcing that the FBI is declassifying ninety one percent of the full report. We have at least a few years left together, so I want to also address the rumors that I will be running for a second term. I have not made my decision yet. The implications of announcing such a thing-  two years and nine months before Election Day, would give me an unfair advantage over other potential candidates. So when the time is right and all of you have had your chances to form real opinions on my politics that are unclouded by the events of this year, I will stand at this podium again- speaking to these cameras once again. I can almost guarantee that I will be standing here again before then, but until such time, god bless you- and god bless these United States of America."

Madam President ✓Where stories live. Discover now