all about the main character

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Ashuri Urameshi

Age:14 (in the start)
Birthday:March 26
Zodiac sign: Aries

Age:14 (in the start)Birthday:March 26Zodiac sign: Aries

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Hair color:black

Eye color:golden brown
Gender:female (obviously)
Cup size:C

(Facts about her)
She plays sports so obviously she's fit
Sports:volleyball, basketball, football, baseball and track and field. She also does archery and martial arts.

She does ballet and choreography

Likes listening to music (bands usually rock indie, pop,dance/electronic or Acoustic)

Shes a pluviophile(search it)

When it's too warm she wears thin and revealing clothes though sometimes she doesn't mean to she looks sexy causing people to stare at her alot especially the boys(not men)

Has an obsession with boots especially heeled ones

Can bake and is really good, everyone loves her cooking though when it comes to decorating and she lets her imagination take place everything becomes a bloody mess since her main color is red.

She keeps her nails short because they might get in the way of dancing (and fighting)

Carrys a newspaper around so she can whack her troublemaker brother with it.

Though everyone finds her attractive, they also find her scary and unapproachable(So when kurama didn't stutter or hesitate when speaking to her it made her surprised and interested in him)

Likes:Ice skating,rain,warm clothes, hot chocolate, coffee, doughnuts, tarts,pastries, cakes, basically anything dessert wise. Red and black, animals especially canis lupus and vulpes vulpes (dont know the word just search it)

Dislikes:hot weather,bananas, bright colors but will wear white if it matches her fit.

This is it if I left anything out just tell me in the comments,bye.

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