Chapter 32:

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For once, Ketterdam's skies were clear, but Kaz knew that it would not last. Like anything in his city, all would return to its normal state. 

He knew that he hated Van Eck and Pekka Rollins and that the encounter with the demon would be burned into their minds for the rest of their lives, like Jordie's death in his. 

But everyone was broken but it didn't mean that they couldn't pull themselves together, to turn those human shards into something unstoppable. After all, he was Kaz Brekker, was he not?
Strangely, the taste of revenge was not as sweet, but he did find it satisfying. 

Inej came to stand by him, her hood down now and in the morning light, her brown eyes were honey gold. 

"Kaz. " She said quietly. He turned, and fully faced her, ignoring Jesper and Wylan, who where debating whether or not to give the knocked out Van Eck and Rollins another scare and Zoya, who was sitting by Nikolai, who even in sleep had wrapped his hand around hers. 

"Inej. "
"Is there anything else we need to do?" Are you satisfied?

"No. " Yes, and thank you for being here with me. 

Inej smiled and as she walked by Van Eck to talk to Nina, gave Van Eck a good hard kick that most likely had broken his nose. 

"Nina!" Inej warpped her arms around Nina, who was looking out the Slat and into Ketterdam. "I can't believe that your returning to Ravaka so soon!"

Nina smiled. "I know, right? We've only been here such a short time. We need to get waffles before we go. Maybe you can convince Zoya to come with us, but she is um, otherwise occupied at this moment. "

Inej laughed, and Kaz tilted his head at the sound. Was it really not miraculous that laughter could be found in the darkest of times? 

Inej and Nina looked at Nikolai, who was now awake, lean against Zoya, twin smiles on their faces. 

"Jesper, I really don't think that Van Eck and Rollins can take another fright. "
"I guess you're right, Wylan Van Sunshine. This one wet himself. "

Kaz strode over, his cane tapping on the wooden floor and settled himself in a chair next to Inej. 

"Oh great, everyone's pairing up. "

"Even Van Eck and Rollins," Inej pointed out. 

"Real funny. I'm going to write a letter to Hanne. Enjoy your couple time!" Nina strode off, her red kefta swaying in the wind from the open window. 

Inej perched on the arm of Kaz's chair and watch the sun rise into the horizon. 

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