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Hello there! I'd just like to say thank you to those who have read this far. This series was essentially my first so it wasn't the greatest... But heck it whatever. I'm so happy but also so sad to have finished this series. I started writing it earlier this year due to one boredom and two encouragement from my bestie who is the one the only @yourfriendboop ! She's great! Boop introduced me to Wattpad and basically led me to where I am today, as in sitting on my bedroom floor typing this up on my laptop. This has certainly been the weirdest birthday I've had yet... as in sitting on the floor writing a book I never imagined finishing. This was a wild adventure to say the least! But I hope to see you dear readers in my next story, A testament to our pain. I will be editing each part before I post them so you can't tell that I literally write everything on impulse. If you haven't noticed, yes that's what I do! nothing was planned just sat down and wrote what I felt like XD

but anyways I love you guys so much <3 Have a great day lovelies!!!

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