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Gabe sat on her bed wrapped in an orange throw blanket. The spell book that her and her brother shared sat open on her black comforter. Her fingers followed under the words she was reading to memorize a spell. This one was a luminescence spell. She read over the instructions and the incantation a few times just to be sure she had it right. She held out her hand before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, focusing all her attention and energy towards the spell.

"spero lucem."

Gabe spoke the incantation and opened her eyes to see a ball of light had conjured in her hand, smiling with pride at the fact that she had gotten the spell to work on her first try. Her focus was broken by Benny knocking on her door, causing the light to go out.

"Gabe get up time to get ready." He said through the door. She got up and walked to the door, opening it.

"Come here. I wanna show you something." She said grabbing Benny's hand and pulling him into her room.

He sat on the bed and watched her as she closed her eyes once again taking a deep breath before preforming the spell, eyes widening when he saw the light conjure in her hands.

"I got it on my first try!" She smiled.

"That's awesome! You gotta teach me that." Benny says impressed by his sister's success.

"Yeah maybe. Also I call the bathroom first!" She says running out of her room and down the hall.

"No fair!" Benny runs after her but he was too late. She shut the door in his face and locked it. "Hurry up!" He said through the door.

"Sorry B, first come first served!" she laughed.


"It was so cool E!" Gabe said as she walked down the halls next to Ethan and her brother. "I got it right on my first try."

"That's great Gabe."

"Look there's Sarah and Erica." Benny says pointing the two girls out.

"Oh, come on. Who's gonna miss just one?" they hear Erica say before she walks off towards the table of cheerleaders.

"I will!" The twins say in unison causing Ethan to laugh and Sarah to jokingly roll her eyes.

"Isn't this kind of like letting Magneto join the X-Men?" Ethan asks.

"I'll assume that's "geek speak" for a fox in the henhouse thing." Sarah says not knowing the reference Ethan had made. "If you have any ideas on how i'm supposed to stop her, i'm all ears."

Ethan and Benny look towards the cheer sign up table. "You could join too." Ethan tells her.

"No, no, no, no. There has to be another way." Sarah says.

"Go Devils!" Gabe says along with the cheerleaders as Ethan and Benny do a stupid little cheer motions.

"Fine! But Gabe you're joining too."

"What? Me? No way!"

"Yes way." Sarah says grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the cheerleaders.


"Cowabunga!" Benny says as Sarah walks out of the bathroom in a red and black cheer uniform.

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